For those unconvinced by Mana....

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BD you just seem to want an argument, Mike did not say that mana didn't work, he was mearly pointing out this over the top post from a zealot, the poster and his views were the discussion here not wether mana works or not, in fact some members who also use mana have had a laugh at that ridiculous eulogy at the feet of St John of angelsey.
"(...) but whilst Naim has a very loyal customer base there's less faith involved in the upgrade process ie, you're not constantly adding things that have no logical reason to improve your system."

Michael said.
BD most mana customers are not as daft as the ones mentioned in this thread, this is just a small percentage of vocal zealots who happen to give the brand, a bad name.

I absolutely love my kit, my speakers are fantastic, but I don't ram it down the throats of others at every oppurtunity, if more people listened to the kit I have there would be a lot raving about it, but why should I care if they prefer or choose something else? it's their money, too many evangelists in hifi, reckon they've seen the light and want to spread the word, lifes to short enjoy what you have and listen to the music.
coz I'm fed up with you trying to pick fights, this is mainly a happy forum, not a contentious one, you're picking arguments over nothing, I'm sure mike can answer for himself, I was mereley hoping you'd go away until you thought of something constructive to say, this thread is not about equipment, therfore you are either too stupid to work it out from what's been written, or you are deliberately flaming, which is it?
I'm happy... why aren't you?

Maybe you have become too fundamentalist about this forum... no?

I'm talking strictly in rational basis... and I am being insulted...
I never insulted you BD i think you're flaming, if you say you're not then it must be the former, besides I am happy, just fed up with your flaming, read the post on the mana forum properly, your english is good I'm sure you'll have no trouble, if you've not puked before the end of it, then you missed the point of this thread, besides there is a bit of history to it.
As for fundamentalist no, i don't think so, most of us post on here because it's fun, the odd argument and a few serious debates, most of your post are contentious at best, try helping out and offering advice, join in with the fun and stop taking it so seriously.
I was just trying to point out that while laughing of Mana you could well be laughing of yourselfs... because either you believe in "hearing is everything" or you don't.

And if you don't, you only have one option... accuracy.
so,what is accuracy then BD? a meaningless term,or can you explain what you mean by it? not a trick question,i would genuinely like to know what you believe this wrod to mean when using it for HIFI
BerylliumDust said:
I was just trying to point out that while laughing of Mana you could well be laughing of yourselfs...

You don't listen do you?

for the last time we are not laughing at Mana, we're laughing at the manner in which the poster on the mana forum eulogises about his beliefs, as if it's manufacturer John Watson was the second coming, i'm sure their products are fine equipment stands, but in moderation, I've heard one of these mana mega setups and it was far from the best thing i've heard, prefer my rig sat on floor TBH.

Don't take me wrong... I haven't answered straigth way to you before because I was trying to give you "food for thought"...

Accuracy is simply output equal to the input. If you talk to a microphone to be heard louder or to be heard later, all you want is that others hear only your voice and nothing else.
analoguekid said:
You don't listen do you?

for the last time we are not laughing at Mana, we're laughing at the manner in which the poster on the mana forum eulogises about his beliefs, as if it's manufacturer John Watson was the second coming, i'm sure their products are fine equipment stands, but in moderation, I've heard one of these mana mega setups and it was far from the best thing i've heard, prefer my rig sat on floor TBH.

No you don't, I'm sorry. You are laughing at Mana by laughing at the guy, because like you said yourself, you don't believe in it.

But if the guy is hearing all that, and he raves about it, I see no difference between him and who believes that all that counts is what we hear.

Imagine that you've heard something very, very special...
wadia-miester said:
Simple answer ditton 'stillpoints', those that have heard know :)
Though on wooden floors, FME, if your not going to 'plug the floor' then air decoupling works the best with maybe a granite slabe ontop and speakers spiked (solid brass) with matching cups/coasters, or if you feeling flush a full set of still points.
I agree cost option isn't cheap, however the results speak for themselves.
No, we don't sell them in case anyone is thinking its a subtle plug, its not its a blantant plug :D

Having recently made a pair of DIY air platforms - wood tray, 2 inner tubes, slate top - they do make a huge difference to the amount of vibrations transmitted to the floor. Possibly not as good as Townshend or Voodoo, but at less than £50 the pair, a bargain.

I have them under the speakers, on top of a paving slab and squash balls.


have you compared StillPoints to Aurios and MI-rollers? I've picked up a couple of pairs of the latter two cheap and am interested in how the StillPoints compare.
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BerylliumDust said:
Imagine that you've heard something very, very special...

I have but I like to keep it in proportion, not evangelise. So you are wrong again, i have said numerous times, there is nothing wrong with Mana, although using my ears, I was not impressed with the mana'd system I've heard, but there is definately something wrong with the poster on the mana forum, hope this clears it up for you, you really are quite persistent, however we can't stop your misinterpretation, only explain ourselves, if you choose not to accept that, then there is no point in discussing it with you.
BerylliumDust said:
If you talk to a microphone to be heard louder or to be heard later, all you want is that others hear only your voice and nothing else.

I think that is a good as basis for a mission statement for hifi, though not quite there. Reproduction of voice is a good yardstick as we have greater familiarity with the qualities of voice, whether spoken or sung. To hear someone on the phone or 'behind you!' is quite different an experience.

It must contribute greatly to our ability, as listener, to suspend disbelief and make believe that the person is in the same room, at the same time, although confusingly invisible.

I think the problem lies in the word envagelise... Normally we say that someone is envagelising, or talking with religious faith, when that person believes (strongly or not) in no proven facts, or no cientific facts. That's why you have Religion and you have Cience. The Religion always start where Cience ends... Albert Einstein knew it: " I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details."

Now, when someone tells me that hearing is everything I also think that person is envagelising... therefore I still don't see any difference between "hearing is everything" followers and Mana followers.
The difference between the views of the poster and normal people who are enthusiastic about there beliefs is very different, don't take this the wrong way, but I think there may be a bit of a language barrier here, normal native english speakers are more reserved in their praise, than some other nations, the exageration in the prose and the fervour with which it is delivered serve to make this too over the top for us, besides the other difference is most people with a strong belief in something, can accepth that others might have a different view and are happy to co-exist, people like the afformentioned poster, can't even "see" that another would be entitled to have a different view, the other person is just plain wrong, misguided, pitifull, this make them extremists, which may be a better word than evangelists, you have your beliefs and can argue them well, but the difference between you and the guy we are ridiculing here, is you can accept the other guy has a different but equally valid point of view, you are not an extremist.

Hope this clears this up.
I tend to agree


The man we are discussing is intelligent and undoubtably believes in the virtues of Mana. There is nothing wrong in that.

However, if I was in Mana's shoes, I would ask him to be much more succinct in his approach in the future.

The aim of his posting seems to have two purposes.

1. To recommend the SS racks based on his own experience

2. Be a platform for his ego in writing massively overlong postings.

Writing long letters is fine in one sense but equally bad in another.

It is apparent that these overwinded writings have become the subject of ridicule and that can easily put potential Mana buyers off. Good praise is valued by any company but it much be seen as good praise and not a bucketful of hot air which becomes meaningless.


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