Forum clarification?

i had ATC 50'S ACTIVE powered by AVI built in amps, with my home set up to drive my tannoy's i use MF 6I'S Pwr amps x2 and i am very happy with the sound that i am getting, for my wifes system, once i sell the ls3/5 a's i will get her a pair of KENSAI'S

That is interesting. You went back to passive.

What pre amp are you using with MFs. I heard MF preamps are not quite as good as power amps. Not very transparent. I heard there are quite a few budget components in their preamps, like basic Alps etc... I have never had an oportunity to check that by myself though.
I agree. Snob effect is very strong. Most of the customers do not judge gear according to sound quality, consequently there are "hundreds" of companies selling cables costing 1000+ GBP. Many of them do not even produce cables :D

I will have to listen to these Kensai speakers, but I'm a bit suspicious about any passive speakers lately, since actives offer so much more for the same amount of money. :rolleyes: I also like to see some tweeters on the back of the speaker.

Had I been talking about the 'snob effect' I would have used that phrase. Perceptions of quality have little to do with snobbery, which I take to be a negative term. Quality is wholly positive in my view. And I certainly would not draw a parallel between expensive cables and expensive speakers. It is possible to see where any effort has gone into the manufacture of speakers, and that will translate into how they sound. Much less so cables.;)


That is interesting. You went back to passive.

What pre amp are you using with MFs. I heard MF preamps are not quite as good as power amps. Not very transparent. I heard there are quite a few budget components in their preamps, like basic Alps etc... I have never had an oportunity to check that by myself though.

hi, i am using as a pre-amp the MF A1 FBP, two box unit, seperate power supply ,it is cristal cl;ear from my point of view, super pre,