We certainly don't want to prevent anyone from posting a view that runs against the general slant. It is only a slant.
On measurements, I think we simply want to emphasise their importance when much of the forum world and certainly the press have been down-playing them over the years. The users have largely determined this state of affairs, not the owners.
There might be things that we can't yet measure, but certainly the vast majority of differences heard between equipment can be attributed to measurable differences - that's the only point i think we want to emphasise.
To give you some examples, TT sub chassis made from different materials (a subject close to your heart) sound different on the same deck. I'm sure you could write a piece explaining why, the resonant behaviour of the materials, the mechanical impedance at any joins etc.
Or take different phono stages. RIAA curve differences explain a lot, or seriously flapping bass cones because the stage has no LF filter and so the amp runs out of power...
Then take amplifier impedance and the way it interacts with the load and makes loudspeakers sound different. High capacitance cables making amplifiers sound brighter et etc.
Shed loads you can measure, some won't matter at all in some situations but lots does - and it rarely gets mentioned.
We also want to encourage problem solving.
So for example if a user connects a 'wide-open' amplifier with no protection circuits to some loudspeakers and a fire ensues, we'd like to offer some practical advice on avoiding such things, and no I don't mean the purchase of a smoke alarm
That position will inevitably mean we remain quiet relative to say Wigwam or AoS.
Bluntly, when you remove much of the subjective noise, whats left can be rather matter of fact and tends to appeal to a hard core. A bit busier would be nice though, but these things can change.
Anyway, I'm rambling.
When can we have a nice article on TT set-up for our reference room?