FRED joins the ESL57

Very informative write-up, Rob.

I'm also firmly of the view that some of that 57 magic is directly related to the treble dispersion which is extremely tight. You really do have to shuffle around and 'lock-in' to the speaker and I think that this enhances the feeling that you're coupled to the music. The 63 doesn't do this to anything like the same degree but is no worse for it IMO.

That's one of the most attractive "flaws" with the best horns and electrostatics I've heard. Oddly, my SBLs exhibit this same trait not due to beaming I would think but more of a rise in the upper mids or lower treble I suppose.


Very informative write-up, Rob.

That's one of the most attractive "flaws" with the best horns and electrostatics I've heard. Oddly, my SBLs exhibit this same trait not due to beaming I would think but more of a rise in the upper mids or lower treble I suppose.



Nothing wrong with a bit of character to the presentation if it pushes the right buttons.

SBLs sound clean and projected when i've heard them working well.
Good value these days and less coloured than the older Linn wall proximity speakers.
Update now that the new sock covers are fitted and the room has been treated to accommodate the speakers.

Its been a few weeks waiting for the new socks form One Thing Audio as they've switched to a new, more open fabric for better performance. First set went awol in the post but OTA kindly sent another set with no questions asked.

The cloth is certainly thinner, and it does make a small difference to the very top end but only around 1dB. However this is more of a difference than removing the metal grills.
While waiting for the socks I ran the speakers nude for a week or so and was surprised that the metal has such little effect, unless you happen to listen when standing close to the speaker due to the angle of the louvres.

The bottoms are now stained to match the tops and I think this pair are now well and truly restored.

While I can position the 63s well into the room and away from the back (windowed) wall, they do fire slightly into the corners when angled correctly at the listening position. Treating the walls behind and to the side of the speakers with some thick acoustic tiles helps give a cleaner sound.

One bonus of this positioning is that I have two listening positions :) - yes the seat behind the speakers is perfectly useable so you can sit by the open windows behind the speakers on a nice summers day, with the birds twittering in the the front garden, and the diesel fumes wafting in from the passing traffic....

A few more pics:




