Freezing CDs?

You are wrong. The 0's and 1's are not etched onto polycarbonate but aluminium.

You are "not even wrong".

If zanash claimed he has a pet unicorn, imported from Peru, I think some of you freezer enthusiasts would give him the benefit of the doubt, regardless of the impossibility of the claim. Then we could have aggressive "have you visited him to check it's not there? Well then, you're an idiot!" responses.

Freeze-thawing CDs is a waste of electricity.
No proof is necessary. There are some ideas that are so intrinsically wrong that no amount of belief therein will make them right. This is one such idea. It does not work because it cannot work, because there is nothing to work. The pits are in no way changed by freezing, which means that the data remain the same. (Yes, I have tried it, no, it didn't work). It "works" only because people believe it does. I have no problem with that; if folk enjoy their cool CDs, good for them.

So say you...!!! Fortunately, there are a lot of people on and off this forum who simply don't agree with you.​
OK, if it reads the same (say very large) file before and after in roughly the same time, would you then say that it's made no difference?

Well yes I guess if there was substantial time different between the two you could logically be starting to ask questions.

True enough.

Fair point.
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I think sometimes it could be very difficult to express oneself perfectly clearly.

Especially on a forum, yes.

I really do believe that not all of us have that ability.

Very true

Communication all walks of difficult...

Regarding stating incorrect information as facts, i'm sure the person/person's only do this because they genuinely think they are correct when the make the statement. This I feel can be excused.

I spent twenty seven years as an industrial scientist and hope that I speak facts but there will inevitably be times when I am wrong. I try hard to keep away from things I do not know about.

Me too.

If I don't know, I ask.

The golden rule: "Never assume" it makes an 'Ass' out of 'u' and 'me'

Yes forums are tricky places for getting a point over....some one said that 75% of what is written on interent forums is misunderstood.

I can well believe it.

I woiuld think if you've been in the industry for 27 years you have a lot of useful knowledge to inpart.

People notice a change because they believe there can be one, whereas the fact is that there can't be.

Neither is reactive, either actively or passively. Naturally one can always find something that will react with something else - even something as inherently reaction-resistant as gold (so unreactive that it's the only metal found in an elemental state) can be persuaded to undergo chemical reaction, if you use something nasty enough, such as aqua regia.

Under normal service conditions (including use as CDs), acrylic and polycarbonate do not react with anything. The ultimate enemy of all polymers is light, which will eventually break down the polymer chains and cause the polymer to degrade, but that'll take a very long time. In addition, the polymers will contain light stabilisers to counteract the effect.

Which is what a Nespa Pro does :D:D:D

Brilliant piece of kit! See - CD sound can be altered/improved.

Amazed to see this one still running though - prodded to look in by a fellow ZGainer
it may be.. that a change in the CD's structure after freezing is difficult to pinpoint, for some that a change would occur in the process isn't even a possibility, though the 'Fact' remains that a substantial number of individuals *do hear a difference*, the finding of clarity and definition being the change of commonest call.
That a few detractors seek to extinguish the results of those that discovered change is in my opinion... pointless, if one has tried the freeze and heard nothing, i would respect the result/findings and wouldn't waste my time trying to convince them otherwise, if they haven't tried yet consistently attempt to force their position on others, they are wasting their's and others time due to their own inability to commit themselves to the possibility in the first. :)
if one has tried the freeze and heard nothing, i would respect the result/findings and wouldn't waste my time trying to convince them otherwise, if they haven't tried yet consistently attempt to force their position on others, they are wasting their's and others time due to their own inability to commit themselves to the possibility in the first. :)

I really really really don't take issue with people having fun with the whole ritual of freezing the CDs, hearing an improvement and enjoying their collections more for it.
I really really really don't take issue with people having fun with the whole ritual of freezing the CDs, hearing an improvement and enjoying their collections more for it.

i really really really think that's the only way to see it. :)

"More fun and enjoyment to you too seeker" :MILD:
I'd like to ask what it is that makes you a World authority on physics...? I'd also like to know how you know so much about this subject...? Have you actually tried it and gained the experience with which you now speak...? If you haven't tried it then I think that speaks a lot more than you do.​

I didn't know I was such an authority?

Tell me then, what a domestic freezer actually changes, have you got any graphs, measurements or magnified pictures showing any sort of physical changes within the disc structure which improve the readability of the pits in such a manner it creates an audible improvement which can be measured?

I myself have not yet seen any evidence come forth, nor heard any difference as remarked upon. Nor been given any reasonable opinion as to why any change would indeed occur.

I didn't know I was such an authority?

Tell me then, what a domestic freezer actually changes, have you got any graphs, measurements or magnified pictures showing any sort of physical changes within the disc structure which improve the readability of the pits in such a manner it creates an audible improvement which can be measured?

I myself have not yet seen any evidence come forth, nor heard any difference as remarked upon. Nor been given any reasonable opinion as to why any change would indeed occur.


have you tried freezing a cd then?