get me my stirring stick....

Re: CDS2

Originally posted by mick parry

The CDS3 / 552 absolutely trashes my system.

Mick, not a difficult a task mate :)
A cds3, far better for less out there :) plus, no need to wear Sailsburys offical gain you entry anywere badge either.
Mick you know your a class operator, enjoying those 'Finer things in life', so why listen to the 'commuter class' of hifi?, one expects better things sir :rolleyes: WM

Being serious, the CDS2/52 is bloody good, the CDS3/552 is unbelieveable. Once you hear it, you will know what I mean.


I agree

Tone my little bit of Cheltenham crackling

I am not a Naim spokesman, my first loyalty is to my ears.

When I hear a better system, I will change it. Trouble is, so far I haven't come across anything as good.


Re: I agree

Originally posted by mick parry

When I hear a better system, I will change it. Trouble is, so far I haven't come across anything as good.

Mick, I understand you've lead a sheltered life, it's ok we do realise your plight, you have my sympathies.
I hope your new cds3 gives you as much please as it gives me when I look inside the one we have here :) .
So are you going to shell £18K for the slightly above average pair?, or do you get 'Trade terms' at Stevenson towers ?.
Mick I do think you should cast your net slightly further a field, and sample more of what is on offer mate, your Cheltenham crackling :)
Re: Bub

Originally posted by mick parry
Being serious, the CDS2/52 is bloody good, the CDS3/552 is unbelieveable.
Yes, the trouble is the dealer does lose a lot of credibility doing things like this. They sold me the (extremely expensive) gear comparatively recently, accompanied by heaps of hype at the time and now they are kicking it!

Additionally they are not using Mana and so have no idea what the gear sounds like now.

Perhaps the 552/CDS3 is better, but I doubt by very much. Still, hearing is sometimes believing.

The ATC preamp does sound an interesting prospect by all accounts.
Actually WM, what would you recommend if the CDS2 and I were to part company? The only other player I've heard that was any good was the micromega solo, and they are a bit of a gamble because they can't be fixed.

Also preamp suggestions welcome, but has to include a phono stage as good as or better than the one in the 52, and this would take some beating. I have it on very good authority from several people with 'ears I trust' that the prefix/hicap route is only very marginally better than plugging directly into the 52's phono stage.
James, can you tell me what the cd2 gives you that you like?, then I may be able to come up with a listenablr alternitive for you.
Else I would recommend shock horror, a decent 'Cap alternitive', a clock replacement andd decent psu to the clock, replace the analogue op amps with tailored replacements, plus some other bits and pieces, clocking will only 'add' to the sound of the cdp, not change it, just enhance what you have' Tone
Hi Tony. What do I like? Er, very difficult to say. It's not 'offensive' like some players, and it sounds a bit like the Linn in some ways.

To be honest the dem Alan Ball did with his mixing desk has really changed my perception of CD sound. The scales dropped from my ears, so to speak, I always knew there was something wrong but couldn't quite put my finger on it before.

Now that I know what's missing from CDs, it's very difficult to listen without feeling vaguely frustrated at the losses. This is why the Naim forum hype over the new CDS3 just seems laughable to me. You just know that the poor saps are making it all up.

Did you know Naim are [allegedly, good source tho'] planning to release a £12k CD player next Spring? That should clean a few of them out!

Maybe I need an SACD or something, but that format seems doomed because most people's midi systems probably won't show up much of a difference between that and CD.
James, I have a very reliable source in naim, they've been planning one or two things not just the cds3 on steroids :D , to be honest I had a long conversation with naim tecno guy at the show, telling me all about the 8 regulated psu's in the cds3 and the BB 1704's and 24 bit, though still 44.1khz, I like the 88.2 sample rate, it opens thing a bit, but still gives the drive and presence. well inside the cds3 is a treat to behold :D
I feel james maybe you need to listen to some new players in your system, and try the atc pre as well, though if you can afford it a spectral dc30 used is a 'pre among pre's'. WM
Originally posted by The Devil
Actually WM, what would you recommend if the CDS2 and I were to part company? The only other player I've heard that was any good was the micromega solo, and they are a bit of a gamble because they can't be fixed.


Why do you say that mate?
I know a few people who have sent their micromegas back to France to micromega for fixing, and a few others that have had them done by generic repairmen... is the solo different?

Thanks Paul, sounds intriguing. Is the Ikemi what you are currently using?

Good idea about the prefix PSU, too.

Tony, yes I know they've got a couple of 'other things' in the pipeline too. Oversampling - just polishing a wotsit.

Apologies if Micromega repairable after all. This is news which will warm some cockles if true.
Originally posted by The Devil
...also had a look at my stylus under a microscope. This was very interesting. It was covered in little white 'flakes' of vinyl - looks like snow.

A quick scrub with a toothbrush & some surgical spirit cleaned it up revealing only mild symmetrical wear on the diamond - loads of life still left in it.
Wear? On a diamond? I'm afraid I could well be showing my ignorance here but how on earth can something relatively soft like vinyl cause wear on a diamond, about the toughest material there is? Especially as, in the case of a TT, the level of friction is extremely low :confused:

Someone (who I think knows) told me that the pressure & frictional forces generated are so high that the groove is 'parted' slightly, and the exposed surface of the groove actually melts briefly as the stylus scrapes through it.


So vinyl's not so perfect, either.

On the right broadcast, the Tuner achieves the best results for me, the obvious disadvantage being that you can't choose what's played when. Unless you phone up, I guess.
Is the Ikemi what you are currently using?
No, I'm using the older Karik/Numerik*.

I've seen a couple of Ikemis s/h for £1000ish recently. I guess the more serious Linnies are going Unidisk crazy? Ikemi is supposed to be better that Karik. I'm guessing that there wouldn't be much if anything in it except a reduction in box count.

*This means I'm using a separate DAC, so I have a digital interconnect. WM was going to lend me some fairy dust sprinkled stuff to laugh at but it never turned up.

Originally posted by The Devil
the obvious disadvantage being that you can't choose what's played when. Unless you phone up, I guess.

Oh I can see it now

" And What's your name?"

" The Devil or Beelzeebub to you"

" And where are you calling from Mr er....Bub, Satan, sir?"

" Scotland"

" Ah can't say I'm surprised. Hellhole!! And what would you like to hear?"

"Heart of Glass or "Any Old Iron" will do"

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