Get Them OFF!!!

Jun 20, 2003
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With Summer hopefully upon us and the TV taking a back seat until Winter, I was thinking of some People and Programmes that I would like to see dumped forever.

Here are a few of my choices for starters -

1 Linda :bub: Barker - She should be locked in the Tower Of London.

2 The Weakest Link - It's been on long enogh.

3 All reality shows - Pile of stinking Poo.

4 The Bill :gatling: - Can anyone act in the programme?

5 Richard :guiness: (Is that paid for) And Judy - How important am I?

6 Stars in thier Eyes(Kids) - The talant on this show is :chunder: and embarresing.

So what would like to see exterminated off our TV screens?
all news programmes. depressing pap.
eastenders, corrie, brookie, emerdale farm and their loathsome ilk.
any sport not involving a lot of bare female flesh unless it's an england international game or involves fast vehicles.
ok scotish, irish and welsh international games can be on too but only after 1am and on channel 5.
diy, house buying / selling and other 'lifestyle' shows.
cookery programmes without swearing in except river cottage and that bloke with the annoying little dog who promotes independant businesses.
2nd rate 'guys nailing bits of themselves to wood' shows, jackass and sanchez are leagues ahead so don;t even bother.


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