Originally posted by Tom Alves
Samplers at the front by company, then compilations (e.g. with more than two artists), in date order (1100-2003) then the rest alphabetically by artist or composer with sub division by date
All neatly catalogued using Music Collector and exported to the web
Did I mention I used to be records manager before I retired.
Records manager, please explain, sir?
Very impressive cataloging system there, by the way.

Must have taken ages to do the initial data input?

Where did you get the pictures from for the front and back cover art work for some of the sleeves?
Good point Graham, of course "classical", as in classical music, is strictly speaking refers to a specific period in western art history, where all things in art can be said to be influenced by a particular style or form attributable to that period. But really in everyday general use, "classical music" is used as a catch-all term, so why don't we have something more appropriate and less ambiguous?
In that case, would Prokofiev's 1st Symphony ("The Classical") be filed under 20th centuary, as Prokofiev was alive in the 20th centuary, or filed under classical because of its neo-classical outlook?
I think a similar comparison can be made with the term "Rock'n'Roll" music. Strictly speaking, surely this refers to a specific type of music that starting appearing and became popular in the 1950's and early 1960's which is generally played by a 4 piece band consisting of drums, bass, and lead and rhythm guitar, and usually influenced by blues and 12 bar blues patterns? Again, this term is used as a catch all by some to classify any music that can be said to be dervied from this form, even contempoary heavy metal/heavy rock (but not nu-metal

) styles.