

Jun 19, 2003
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Not enough gloves threads on this forum for my liking!

I know a few of you do outdoor work/activities.
I've tried a few but looking for the "perfect" glove as winter approaches.

Must be waterproof and not absorb water on the outside either. I mean that I want the outside to remain dry as well as not letting water through them.
Breathablility has been a problem with ones I've tried too.

They also need to be thin enough to be able to use my hands as normal as possible. But also durable.

Thin latex/similar gloves with nice thick fingerless gloves over the top, will let you flick through the letters with ease, keeps your hands much warmer and dryer than you'd think! That's what I'll be using in a couple of hours!
Hi Mark. It's getting a wee bit cold eh?
Have you reverted back to normal start times on saturdays or still later starts?

Do you find the latex gloves make your hands clamy?

The problem I'm having is finding something that ticks all the boxes. Thin enough to be able to use the fingers still, but also keep the hands warm. I've tried fingerless, but though the ones I had didn't let water through to the hand, they did absorb it on the outside. That meant they'd end up getting freezing and letters would get soaked.

I've been looking at these which look like they might be ideal. Want to find a shop that sells them local to see how thin they are though....||~@c~@b|0|user|1,0,0,1|26|
Not enough gloves threads on this forum for my liking!

I know a few of you do outdoor work/activities.
I've tried a few but looking for the "perfect" glove as winter approaches.

Must be waterproof and not absorb water on the outside either. I mean that I want the outside to remain dry as well as not letting water through them.
Breathablility has been a problem with ones I've tried too.

They also need to be thin enough to be able to use my hands as normal as possible. But also durable.


ski gloves
Still the later starts on the Saturday, but only a 7 hour day... apart from when I'm in the office and it's 10 hours!

The latex gloves do make your hands a bit sweaty/clammy, but the sweat doesn't make your hands too cold, and I'd rather that than exposing them to the elements anyway! Nice and cheap, to boot!

I've found two other decent solutions, but RM supply latex gloves and woolen fingerless gloves, so I go for them!

You can pick up ski style gloves from petrol stations/markets for a couple of quid - cut the very tip of the index finger/thumb off and keep the rest covered. The gloves fall apart after the winter, but they're surprisingly warm and waterproof!

I also have a pair of gloves I go shooting and fishing with where you can fold back the finger/thumb tips - they're not bad for the job, but I'm forever leaving them in my kit bags, so I don't use them! (A bit like these...
I've got this great idea for a social networking website: "Gloves Re-United".

I have several right hand gloves, of all sorts, but hardly any left hand gloves, which seem to have a wunderlust of their own. There must be someone out there hand-made for me, or maybe just a hand maiden - but I digress ...

This sounds a bit serious for this thread but have you thought of leather police gloves,I use a pair,durable warm water proof and are designed to allow an oficer to pick stuff up easily,may differ from force to force alternatively I have a pair of "ranchhand" type gloves which are nigh on indestructible and warm.
PS your parcel should be with you tomorrow
so where does one get police gloves (without having to join the force or mug a policeman as you couldn't tell his hand size before you mugged him)?
I've got my hands on (haha!) a pair of the Seal Skinz Ultra Grip.

I've got the large, but think maybe a medium would have been better....

I gave them a test today and they seemed very good. Warm, comfy, 100% waterproof. Ideally I'd like them a little thinner, but I still managed to get on with my job easy enough. Also, they do hold some water on the outside, but not enough to really be a problem.

It's been dry today so the real test will come when the winter weather really kicks in.

Colin, thanks I'll let you know when I recieve it.
If you are fortunate enough to know a friendly police officer he gives you are pair, otherwise I am not sure other than mugging the offcer but then you would have to look for one the right size.
I once had a pair of German airforce gloves (well, allegedly) bought from an army surplus place - soft grey leather with a velvety inner lining, very supple, warm, and thin. Perhaps similar to the police gloves?

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