Rodrigo de Sá
This club's crushing bore
Originally posted by wadia-miester
RDS, what are your subjects, that you try to impart, into to the uncultured younger memebers of soceity?, I would like to know sir. Wadia MOnster
Hi, Wadia Monster

I read ethology - what are the perceptual and behavioural instructions animals have to react adaptively to their environment - and cultural anthropology - the same really, but the instructions stem from culture rather than genes. This becomes a most involved affair, but I rather like it.
I also teach them about the fundamental nastiness of our species (wars, racism, group formation).
Nice of you to be interested.

I know you are into tweeking posh cars. Yes, I always craved for a Morgan, but the waiting list is too long and, anyway, I spend a lot of money in books, records and musical instruments (I currently have an eye on a £7500 harpsichord; the snag is that it is blue and my room is green based...) So you see the kind of boring chap I am.
If I could have all I want, I'd collect oil paintings, old books, harpsichords and racing cars... and (now that Mrs RdS is not listening, er... hum..., girls . I see now that my nasty unconscious took over for a minute; so consider it censored (but apparent; Freud). And I would also like to breed dogs.

Warmest wishes

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