I'm interested to hear what people think about cars and their relationship to hi-fi. As far as I can tell, cars are just about the only thing that can be equated with hi-fi: -The higher up the chain you go, the more male-dominated it becomes. -There are several different manufacturers, all lauding their latest "technological discovery" that will revolutionize the industry. -The range available contains massive variety in quality of engineering and style. -Perceived value lowers as the products become more expensive. -Owners make their purchases based on style and features as much as quality of the objects design purpose. -Products are designed to a specific price point or market placement. From a psychological perspective, I would be interested to find out if there is any correlation between the hi-fi components and cars owned by the people on this forum. Do all Porsche drivers favour MF kit, or do owners of "vintage" hi-fi also gravitate towards the same type of hi-fi? As a non-driver myself, I'm unable to contribute, although maybe some would say that my hi-fi setup could also be considered "pedestrian" :) Any thoughts?