Hi-fi versus cars

May 7, 2008
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I'm interested to hear what people think about cars and their relationship to hi-fi. As far as I can tell, cars are just about the only thing that can be equated with hi-fi:

-The higher up the chain you go, the more male-dominated it becomes.
-There are several different manufacturers, all lauding their latest "technological discovery" that will revolutionize the industry.
-The range available contains massive variety in quality of engineering and style.
-Perceived value lowers as the products become more expensive.
-Owners make their purchases based on style and features as much as quality of the objects design purpose.
-Products are designed to a specific price point or market placement.

From a psychological perspective, I would be interested to find out if there is any correlation between the hi-fi components and cars owned by the people on this forum. Do all Porsche drivers favour MF kit, or do owners of "vintage" hi-fi also gravitate towards the same type of hi-fi?

As a non-driver myself, I'm unable to contribute, although maybe some would say that my hi-fi setup could also be considered "pedestrian" :)

Any thoughts?
I drive a transit connect, as I stll do a bit of gardening; I use valves (now back in operation...cheers pete) a modded arcam A5 and stand mounters (though i have pair of petes foor mounters just now).

I get a lot of fun out of diy hifi.....speakers are a current project in mind. If I had the time I'd play more with a thorens td 160 super which is on the back burner (not literaly).
I take the tube and have tubes in my hifi - how's that for correlation?
I'm interested to hear what people think about cars and their relationship to hi-fi. As far as I can tell, cars are just about the only thing that can be equated with hi-fi:


Any thoughts?

.....but ideally a bmw 320/5 would be the one (gotta be 6 pots).

Drive a four year-old BMW 330xi and a Cooper Clubman S. The added trunk space means more LPs.

Just kidding honey.

One thing I will say...I've listened to some of the hi-fi in cars in the "You must be snffing glue" range and I'm not impressed.

You want to listen to the engine in a Ferrari or Maserati, not music.

In my dream car...1965-67 Pontiac GTO...I want Dick Dale in the background.
With HIFI and cameras I like to get a decent brand and decent equipment for my limited budget. All my cameras have been made in Japan for example. With cars I am not really fussed, I ashamed to say with cars its stret cred and looks as much as anything else. A Kia Rio may well be reliable but I could not live explaining what it is! That said I would happily drive a Skoda.
Drive a four year-old BMW 330xi and a Cooper Clubman S. The added trunk space means more LPs.

Just kidding honey.

One thing I will say...I've listened to some of the hi-fi in cars in the "You must be snffing glue" range and I'm not impressed.

You want to listen to the engine in a Ferrari or Maserati, not music.

In my dream car...1965-67 Pontiac GTO...I want Dick Dale in the background.

bmw..... a man after my own heart

pontiac.......your in the right place.....there must be a few aroiund?
With HIFI and cameras I like to get a decent brand and decent equipment for my limited budget. All my cameras have been made in Japan for example. With cars I am not really fussed, I ashamed to say with cars its stret cred and looks as much as anything else. A Kia Rio may well be reliable but I could not live explaining what it is! That said I would happily drive a Skoda.

Out of curiosity AT are bmws in or out?

My brother wouldn't have 320 because of their (perceived) yuppie image. If i had the dosh i have to say wild horses wouldn't keep me away.

Edit; has to be a 6 tho'...not one of these 318 things.
Marginal notes on the thread theme..:

1)£500 on an old Mini can get you 90% of the fun that any driving experience has to offer.
2) There are some stunning bargains to be had second-hand, whatever your tastes, if you know what you want.
3) Buying -into a brand impresses no-one usefully.
Marginal notes on the thread theme..:

1)£500 on an old Mini can get you 90% of the fun that any driving experience has to offer..

Not sure on that!

Might I suggest you go and stand behind a (running) 6 cyl (or over) bmw ...?

2) There are some stunning bargains to be had second-hand, whatever your tastes, if you know what you want.

True enough, esp at the moment I would think.

3) Buying -into a brand impresses no-one usefully.

In case my post was mis-understood, that certainly isn't the attraction off bmw for me....its that overalld riving experince....ie drive feedback.
David BMW are out with many people it seems, they seem to popular with slightly older people though, Audis are also out due to their drug dealer image, I think Audi has become the new BMW which is a shame :(
there must be some of you here with Chelsea tractors though......

would that be the hi-fi equivalent of those?
I drive a 10yr old Alfa - and intend driving it for 10 more before the jokes start ;-)

Cars and hi-fi? It has been observed you are serious about your hi-fi if your speakers are worth more than your car! True in my case!
If someone nicked my car it would be a pain in the arse, if someone nicked my speakers I'd be livid.
Cars and HiFi are two of the most expensive hobbies !

I love my HiFi and my cars, I race in a circuit series and do about 15 meets a year, and I am also building my rally car.
well my speakers are definitely worth more than my car.... focal 1007be's + glossy stands = £3000, car cost me £350 lol.

However, i do enjoy my cars, and i like a good driving exprience, so i drive a mondeo, which has been a complete pleasure to own, and is fantastic on the twisty country roads.

Had a Mercedes 190E previously, but it died horribly, hence having to buy the mondeo on the cheap.
Cars and HiFi are two of the most expensive hobbies !

I am sure any hobby you take to excess (obsession?) becomes very expensive - not sure these 2 qualify to be any better or worst than those who have other hobbies (AV/travel/horses/moutain biking etc)

However, I am right there with you. 2 cars which are for fun only (cut down from 3 and I don't include the daily driver). Track days. A restoration on a classic rally car. If it ever gets finished, perhaps sprinting.

Then of course the music. A dining room completely taken over with records and cds.

In fact, I have always spent all my money on Music and Cars to the extent that excluding 2 trips to see family in Oz, I have never been on a foreign holiday! Most years, I don't get a holiday at all.
Putting that right soon though ..... heading off to Italy - art/music and very nice cars! :cool:
David - my post wasn't a pop at you, just some minor general observations on wood-vs-trees IYSWIM :)

[size=-2]8-cylinder BMW driver[/size]

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