I want to answer this, but have to declare I am very closely associated with people who market cables commercially, so with that in mind here goes:
Originally posted by penance
TBH it wasnt cheap enuff on the diy route to make it worth while
This isn't helped by several factors. Not least that you as a private individual have to buy all the ingredients at retail price.
Then there's the will it / won't it work , or be better than my existing cable the much revered / derided "Super XYZ"? And when you've finished some bright spark lends you another cable for 20 / 40 / 200 quid that, while probably actually no better in absolute terms, does actually fit into your system so well that you've just got to have it because "look at the improvement for the money..... etc. etc".
Then you go and recommend it to your mates, they try it and it's awful. They tell you this and if you get to listen to it in their system you might even have to agree with them so what gives?
My point is, the magic cable for you and your system probably doesn't exist, because you haven't bought (or more likely made) it yet. It's the same for mine. Some are better than others, but the "magic" cable hasn't yet been discovered as there is always one that does something I want better, but none of them do all I want better then anything else. Then it's down to which compromise fits, and price is as important as anything in that equation.
Going down the DIY route you probably
can find that "magic cable". I wouldn't like to have to put a projected timescale or cost on that but I'm certain that it can be done. Commercial cables seem to be more broadly compatible generally, they can be optimised in areas by all sorts of (sometimes bizarre and not particularly obvious) means, but they tend to aim for the accepted performance that is likey to be precieved as "better" in Hi-Fi terms and then go on to deliver that performance reliably in the majority of systems. In this respect I tend to find that they don't tend to be very adventurous, certainly in the sub 500 quid bracket for interconnects for instance (IMO).
Hi-fi terms don't for it for everyone though either, for instance there is a whole raft of people who tend to shy away from anything obviously hi-fi sounding, and we tend to know then as the flat-earthers. This is a bit of an over simplification by all accounts, but nothing will ever appeal to everyone IMO.
The trick is then, if you have a DIY inclination, then keep going and don't be put off. You'll get there or surprisingly close sometimes. It's more difficult for me to sound objective over cabling as I do now have a vested interest which I am more than happy to declare. To be fair, one of the reasons I have a vested interest is to try to shift the status quo I've outlined above, but the fact remains I do so please treat what I say with that in mind.
If DIY is your bag, then the best of luck and the results will probably be pleasantly surprising, with the added satisfaction of having done it yourself. For everyone else, we're just trying to add to the pool of commercial things to try.