Holst - The Planets

Okay Martin, I will try the Greig CD later.

BTW. do you think the recordings are compressed in anyway?

I also thought that in general, the performance of the orchestras/soloists and conductors (though many of them are not famous) are of a high standard. Different but as good as from big names like DG.
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Originally posted by BlueMax
BTW. do you think the recordings are compressed in anyway?

I also thought that in general, the performance of the orchestras/soloists and conductors (though many of them are not famous) are of a high standard. Different but as good as from big names like DG.

Compression? I must confess I'm a little ignorant as to exactly what compression sounds like :o , but you've got me wondering now... There have been a couple of the CDs where I've thought the low end sounded fuller than I'm used to, which could be a sign of compression?

As for the quality of the performances I'm really not the right person to ask I'm afraid. In general though I've found them all pretty enjoyable performances, with the one exception Pachelbel's canon. I know this is a very simple piece, but I normally like it, but this version sound's like it's performed by a bunch of robots. It's just not musical IMHO!
I listened to Greig and some others in this collection in the last few days. Yes there is a hiss.

No 'DDD' mentioned anywhere and MusicBank is not a recording company. So I guess these were made from tapes they bought under license from LSO and others at low prices. These are sub-budget price CDs made to sell for £2.99p each or £3.99p for two through supermarkets, petrol stations and the like.
Not too bad though; have put up with much worse during the days of the cassettes! Many of the interpretaions are good and I will be listening them many times again. :)

Compression I was thinking about is of the type when quiter sounds are squeezed towards the higher end of the range so that they sound better through card audio and music centres. Many 'pop' CDs and radio stations tweek the sound this way.
Even Classic FM do it! Radio 3 seem to be the only station in Britain that try to maintain the standards; analogue, DB and Freeview.
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