Holy Dubya's Prayer

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by tones, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. tones

    tones compulsive cantater

    Jun 19, 2003
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    It was Burns Night the other night, and with this in mind, I present a little piece obtained from a Scottish acquaintance, who gave it as part of the traditional "To the Immortal Memory" speech in Basel in 2003. It's an updated version of Burns's "Holy Willie's Prayer". Holy Willie was an enormous hypocrite; therefore, somehow it seems appropriate.

    O Thou, wha in the heavens dost dwell,
    Thou hast ordained, I know full well,
    Saddam Hussein will go to hell
    For all he's done.
    And I will help him there mysel'
    That should be fun!

    That Saddam guy just makes me mad!
    Some people think it's just a fad,
    But that fella tried to kill my dad
    Some time ago.
    And that must mean he's really bad -
    O Lord, I know!

    I bless and praise thy matchless might
    That everybody knows I'm right
    Cheney and Rumsfeld, every night
    Both tell me so -
    That I am righteous in Thy sight.
    I guess they know.

    Those Eurowimps who just appease!
    Spare me that Kraut called Schröder, please!
    Chirac would like to call a freeze
    I do not care.
    For my pal Tony's on his knees,
    With me in prayer.

    To stop has never crossed my mind
    Whatever the inspectors find
    If all they get should be some kind
    Of empty shell
    That proves the stuff with which it's lined
    Is hidden well.

    That North Korean guy called Kim
    He's got the bomb, that's pretty grim
    But though he goes out upon a limb
    My work to spoil
    Diplomacy will do for him
    He's got no oil.

    And so, with strong support from Thee,
    Amoco, Mobil and BP,
    The good ol' US Cavalry
    Will ride again!
    And if it ends in World War III?
    We'll win. Amen!
    tones, Jan 26, 2005
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