How Do I Get The Last Bloody Bit Off!!

amazingtrade said:
I have one of them gold ring cleaners too however its now so dusty all it does it spread dust onto my LPS. How do you clean these things?

put it in the washing machine? (use a Meile)
Saab said:
I have a Goldring Super Exstatic,which is great,it gets all the dust into a really nice little line on the lp

But I'll be damned if i can that line up!! is their a technique involved that I am sadly lacking in?

I suppose i better start with a ;) just in case you are drwing me into trap and taking the piss , :) but here goes..
1)Put the arm in the arm rest and lock it down.
2)Firmly hold Super exstatic with thumb and 3 fingers whilst gently allowing pinky to rest on the centre spindle ( to dissipate static through the spindle/bearing/ earth). The Brush should be held between the spindle and the 9 o'clock position. Hold the brush so that the carbon fibres just lightly brush the surface of the record, perhaps with the rear set of bristles slightly lower than the leading set.
3) Maintaining the angle of the brush across the record surface , remove pinky from spindle and allow it to re-join it's fellow fingers.
4) very slowly but uniformly bring the inner part of the brush towards the outer edge of the record at a shallow angle.
5) slowly move the brush towards the 7 o'clock position when the leading edge of the brush is almost parallel with the record outer edge ( ie it stretches between 8:30 and 6:30 deftly flick the brush over the edge of the record so tht any dust is flicked awy from the record surface by the rear line of fibres.
6) Use a bright orange or pink feather duster to gently sweep the accumulated dust off your record player plinth.
7) Call your wife, girlfriend or bitch to hoover the dust off the carpet, job done.
Sadly Sid and Coke's method will not work because at the moment of the 'flick' all the accumulated dust will immediately return and spread itself all over the vinyl due to static induced by the brush.
Sniffing is the only way believe me.
Or you could try stealing an amber rod from your local high school that you could rub with a duster and induce the dust off by static attraction that way.

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no static with Sids method,its pinkied away

i never thought this thread would make it to a twenty fourer
bob mccluckie said:
Sadly Sid and Coke's method will not work because at the moment of the 'flick' all the accumulated dust will immediately return and spread itself all over the vinyl due to static induced by the brush.
Sniffing is the only way believe me.
Or you could try stealing an amber rod from your local high school that you could rub with a duster and induce the dust off by static attraction that way.


To a certain extent i would agree Bob. The extent of my agreement would be completely dependent on the degree of static Electricity on the record surface prior to swishing with the carbon fibre brush. I have found that If i use my method on either a brand new record or, one that has not been cleaned using a wet/vac machine then yes, the majority of the dust will be attracted back to the record surface .
If, however, the record has been cleaned properly, i find that it will retain anti-static properties for many, many playings/months afterwards, even if stored in the cheapo, un-branded, poly-lined record sleeves that i use after cleaning.
Once a record is static free then getting the dust off is childs play, one could even blow it off. A record laden with static is always going to be a problem.
To look at it another way, if a record can have a static charge that is so powerfull that it will attract a relatively heavy felt mat off the platter, then a microscopic dust particle doesn't stand a chance of ever escaping the motherships tractor beam.

Get rid of the static , you get rid of the dust.

Does anybody use a Milty Zerostat pistol thing and does it actually work ? I've always wondered about that, and if they do would one of them hand held gas cooker igniter thingies do the same job ?? :confused:
I have a Zerostat thingy and yes it does work. It has a foil gizmo that shows the static if you approach the vinyl with it. After zapping the foil doesn't rise. I find that the rare albums I have that showed a static problem a wet wash cured it permanently. I do keep all my albums in nagaoka inners though.


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