How do you connect a SuperDAC to an amp

No I have a fanbus on my machine, which looks like a bunch of volume nobs on the front of the case, which can adjust the speed to whatever I desire, whenever I desire. Works pretty well.

I need my PC in my room, because although primarily used for music, I do use it for other things, and would not want it in a different room.

Touch wood that the C5 has cured the problem, and I am still awaiting a new PSU. This should hopefully end my problems, but if not, superDAC here I come.
Originally posted by LiloLee
And I've decided to sell my SuperDac24/96 for £125 inc p&p if you're interested.

Could be tempted, if u still got it when i get paid at the end of the month, although i aint holdin my breath

I believe I have found my problem.

The headphone plug and jack on the Corda headphone amp seem to be reacting and picking up the radio frequencies emitted by the fans in the case. When I switch source on the amplifier, the sound is still audible. I can get rid of the sound by exerting a light pulling pressure on the headphone cord. The sound can be brought back by exerting pushing pressure of the headphone cable plug into the jack.

Basically the plug on the headphones and jack socket seem to be interacting to receive airborne radio waves.

Any suggestions to help will be more than welcomed ;)

All that after spending £85 on a new PSU :rolleyes: