How many seperates do you have in what system?

NAD C521BEE CD Player
Pioneer DV-350 DVD Player
Sony MDS-JE480 MiniDisc Recorder
PC with SoundBlaster Audigy 2
Sony SLV-SE830 Nicam VCR
Pro-Ject Debut II Turntable
Pro-Ject Phono Box Phono Pre-amp
Yamaha HTR-5540RDS AV receiver
Mission m70 speakers
Sony MDR-CD480 headphones
Originally posted by technobear
Actually, I inadvertently mis-stated my box count :shame:

So well does it do its job and so thoroughly does it blend in that I sometimes forget I have a subwoofer :rolleyes:

I guess it does it job then. Though my 'connected' count is 14, the maximum in play at any one time is much less.
CD/music: 4 (inc. one pair of speakers or a headphone set)
dvd/AV: 8
can i play using works kit :D
lets see in the foh rack
2 cd players
2 mini discs
1 cassete
4 compressors
4 15 band graphics
1 vari curve
1 ultra curve
1 dn8000 speaker system controler
1 spx 900 multi fx
1 alesis muli fx
1 sabine feedback destroyer
emo power distro
emo rack light

then in the amp rack
1 rankus heinz speaker controler
8 2 channel power amps
1 emo power switcher
bose :mad: system controller
Also lying around
lots of sm 58's a few 57's and some senhisers radio mics that i cant recall the model number
Assorted di boxes
reel2 reel
sevral cassete decks

Then theres the cinema set up
stereo amp
av amp
power amp for rear-centre
left speaker
right speaker
centre speaker
rear centre speaker
left surround speaker
right surround speaker
cd player
tape deck
minidisc deck
I have two systems:

My HT:

Two monoblocks amps (Norh Le amp)
DVD player.
CD and CDR recorder from philips.
Cassette Deck.
subwoofer and 5 speakers.

And my stereo system:
Integrated amplifier.
CD player.
Double deck.
Headphone amp.
Phono preamp.
But, in my stereo gear I only connect the source Ill going to listen, a friend of mine told me that multi connections can do some signal loses. So, connecting one at the time make me sleep well.
I'm with the simpletons!

CD -> AMP -> Speakers

and nothing else.

But when Doom3 comes out, the lights'll be off and the PC will be connected to the amp & GR20s.........
I have the urge to rationalise the following mass of interconnected boxes that sit in a very non hifi wo0den cabinet.

power X 2
headphone amp
phono stage



I like the idea of

B&W 602 S1 Speakers
Marantz PM7000 Integrated amp
Marantz CD4000 CD Player
Marantz ST6000 Tuner
M-Audio Super DAC
TT power supply
Preamp power supply
Power amp

Hmmm......more than I thought:)

Hmm - in my MAIN system I have:
Rega Planar 3 turntable
Flutterbuster PSU for above
Nakamichi tape
Pioneer tape
Sony MD
Pioneer CDRW
Technics DAB
Naim CD5
Naim Flatcap (on CD5)
Naim NAIT3
Yamaha E800 processor/amp
Pioneer Laserdisc
Pioneer DVD
Philips VHS
Sony telly
XBox/PS2/Gamecube (these three are my housemate's though!)
Namco joystick (well cool - has Bosconians, Galaxians, Pac-Man, Rally-X and another game (forgotten!) built in).

Can't get Sky/Cable/Freeview, or I'd have another box!

So that's 14 boxes (plus 3 games consoles/TV).

My bedroom system only has 7 boxes
Akai 8track cartridge recorder (he he!)
Rega Planet CD
NAD 533 (aka Rega P2)
Sony MD
NAD tuner
Philips DCC
Amp (duh!)

I have 6 amplifiers... :MILD:

1 - 6 channels
2 - monoblocks
2 - one in each of the two subwoofers
1 - in the TV

Thats only in the main system... :p
you are the classic victim of advertising. i'd have thought you'd have known better than that given the amount of mind expansion you've been indulging in in foreign climes.
still, you don;t wanna go-ta goa.. do you?

Ah so you bought Exile on Coldharbour Lane then:)

Excellent stuff - good ol' acid house country music:D

Come on, as a Naim owner, whose life should therefor be entirely dedicated to building the full Lego set into one huge WMD, you really should aim to beat this lot of wannabe's

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