How much should I spend?

Interesting thread this one, gives a different slant on the previous ââ'¬Å"percentages thread from last year.

Mine is listed below, however I am in a probable stage of major change. We have sold the family home for top dollar, during the next year we are having a new house built.

However for the next 12 months we are renting. The listening room will drop from 23' X 14' down to 12' X 15' , I cannot see either my Apogee's or my new Mirage's being happy in that size room. However it will be worth it, plans for new dedicated room are 27' X 16'.

Speaker/Speakers/Amps Pre & Powers/CD Player


Turntables are also out of action for a couple of months whilst new plinths are being made and Cartridges re-tipped.
Transport (inc. mods)/DAC/Pre-amp/Amp/Speakers

RRP or rough equivalent where appropriate (eg DIY, no longer available):

What I paid:

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TT/arm/cart/phono stage - £3.8K (paid £2.4K)

CD transport/DAC - £2.5K (paid £1.5K)

Amp - £800 (paid £800)

Speakers - £1K (paid £500)

-- Ian
Approx RRPs

TT - not available in the shops
CDP £6000
Preamp £6000
Active speakers £8000
Supports - don't ask
Aftermarket cables - £4/metre

What is the point of this thread?
cd player £1000
pre amp £450
power amps (2) £1000
speakers & stands £1500

Umm... never thought of it like that before. So much for source first. Works for me.
TT/arm/ps/cartridge £3k(paid £1k)
CD player £500(paid £90)
Amps £900(paid £300)
Speakers £1800 (paid £600)

Cables supports etc....£200
1:1.5:0.9 CDP:amp:speakers here (cables around 0.02, supports and mains nil). That's a necessity rather than a lifestyle choice though - there'll be a 'proper' pair of speakers on there eventually. Not sure what yet, but it'll definitely be a 'speakers-first' system in the end. :)
michaelab said:
I would agree that you can't compromise on the source, especially if it's a TT, but speakers make the biggest difference IMO (and IME).

Aaaah - but what if your TT is around 35% of your CDP's cost, yet sounds far better????

My ratio is about 2/3.5/.2/1 (how much WAS a 72/180 Naim when new???)
CD5+Flatcap/72+180/Naim cabling/Epos ES14+stands - a bit of a camel (rather than a mullet). With the turntable as the source, it's far worse...
the point of this thread was to acertain if I was spending to much on one area of my hifi. (Assuming that there is direct correlation between price and performance)

like spending $1000's on your CD player and pluging tesco value wires into the back(devil)

I also wish to state for the record that mine IS the biggest. There are some advantages to being 6'7"...disadvantage is EVERYONE suggesting you should play basketball...Its a BORING GAME!!!!!!! (well to me anyway)

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