I think this was my first real amp....

Trio KA1200G

Here's another early amp.
I used to regularly blow the output stage on this as a kid by connecting torch bulbs to the speaker terminals and making them flash to the music :)
Shorted out a few times so off we marched to the local hi-fi shop where the resident repair man, a tall, thin chap in a white lab coat with specs perched on the end of nose would wag his finger at me.

Philmos Audio in Bethnal Green East London, now sadly a hairdressers :(

This is the wee amp:


teleton ga 202 any help from anyone

A Teleton GA202.

If it wasn't 'the' first it was certainly the first that could be termed 'hi-fi'.

I remember liking it and so when i found a near mint and boxed one recently I had to have it. No particular reason for posting this, other than I like it :) I'm bored and I have the flu so can't go out :(
Virtually nothing out there on Teleton so this can be a start. I've found a schematic but nothing more.

Sold mostly through Comet and Laskys in the mid 70s they were dirt cheap and cost about £20 IIRC. Feels very solid and has a chunky mains tx for the rated 15w output.
This one is super clean and has clearly lived inside its box and plastic outer for a couple of decades.

Slightly smaller than a standard width component today it feels and looks dinky IMO.
Given the age, nothing is amiss internally and works fine. No leaky caps and it is pretty quiet electrically. Sounds great on headphones - no speaker dins to try the speaker outputs yet.

I'll give it a service soon but for now here are some pics:






Hello rob i`ve tried to contact you with regard a schematic for teleton ga 202
i have decided i will repair by hook or crook reading through the forums has made me yearn for the old days when you could actually repair stuff. i can`t pin down replacment power o/p transistors all four are c1061 npn gen purpose probebly darlington arrangment left the trade in mid 80`s so rusty.Again any help most appreciated.
Another nice amp from my early years - Mistubishi DAU310.

This came after the Teleton and Trio but was another 'Grandad Oh look its only £50' purchase :)

KJ Leisuresound were having an end of line clearance on these and knocking them out for £50. I loved the looks and it was actually very nicely specified.
50w in to 8R, 70w into 4R but on test it easily exceeded those and would push 200w peak into 2R. Meaty PSU with 10k Elna caps and fully complimentary output stage with four devices per side. Two front switched TT inputs is nice.

I picked this one up last week for £30, boxed and mint save for some dust and blown lamps. Fresh lamps, reset bias and meter calibration and it sings nicely into the Quads - doesn't mind the load at all.

These date from 1979 into 1981 which was probably the last period before the Japanese were forced to cost cut heavily at every price post because of the economic conditions.

DSC00414 by trebor1966, on Flickr

DSC00413 by trebor1966, on Flickr

DSC00416 by trebor1966, on Flickr
I 'upgraded' from my Quad 2/22 collection to a JVC JAS/11 before going to uni. Funny thing is I still have all of the Quads and the JVC, and they all work perfectly without any tinkering. My son uses the JVC in his room and excepting the bass control it is very respectable. The Quads could use a new set of EF86's, but heck, I don't grudge them that. They don't make 'em like they used to!