if you won the lotto....

would you change your merc for example, even though you like it already?

depends how much I won, but probably. There's always something better out there to try, and its fun finding out about the alternatives!

Beeing very happy with what I have, wich is already more than enough, doesn't mean I wouldn't get better if money wasn't a problem... :beer:

If a very big (many millions) lotto win came my way, I would get a custom rooms/house built.

One room would house my Hifi & some of my records & cds. Another room would house the rest.

I would have custom made equipment. I would fancy some custom made horn speakers. All the other bits would be custom made & tested as well. Some would be my designs & ideas.

I would have a big collection of turntables all the major & minor makes. A huge collection of Valve & solid amps, all to play around with.

I would be able to hunt down all those rare items that I wouldn't mind owing.

Originally posted by SCIDB

If a very big (many millions) lotto win came my way, I would get a custom rooms/house built.

One room would house my Hifi & some of my records & cds. Another room would house the rest.

I would have custom made equipment. I would fancy some custom made horn speakers. All the other bits would be custom made & tested as well. Some would be my designs & ideas.

I would have a big collection of turntables all the major & minor makes. A huge collection of Valve & solid amps, all to play around with.

I would be able to hunt down all those rare items that I wouldn't mind owing.


That is sort of what I have done with my studio. I have some iconic synths and drum machines and some that just mean something specail to me. They all have different qualities and I would do something similar with the hifi....and I would definately have a room built for it but would not change any of my furniture except the sofa!
Lotto dosh eh?, well would change too much, room's coming soon, have accquired another Belcanto, speakers will Be Meadowlark Blue Heron 2's, full Townsend seimic sink stand trick mains, nice bit of furnishing, maybe another Wadia ,that's it Music wise, having heard a serious hifi system, I'll pass, music is far more entertaining.
Oh one other little thing ,I would love to buy my old holiday home in greece back, cars been there done that, life moves on.
Good times, good people and Music, that about wraps it up. Tone
Home AV

I would first upgrade the listing room and ensure I had enough additional space for my soon to be acquired music library.
I would also need a suitable environment for live music recitals at home, I favour the small Kenwood House type evenings.

A musical evening

I think I would buy WMs kit off him!!

A naim nap 500 feeding nbls would be a tempting proposition...I heard of some crazys who have 3 of these amps to triamp!

If you have seen some trek episodes, Data actually PLAYS in a group...and is programmed in multiple lovemaking techinques;)
Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
...what hifi would you buy...(probably been asked b4)

Sod the HiFi, I'll have everyone here manhandled (is this sexist?) into a field in Milton Keynes for that eff'ing BBQ we can't seem to organise.:D :D :D :D :D
Slightly bigger house but much bigger garden, large enough that I can build a ten by 15 meter log building to house the Hifi

Then and I have no idea if this would work but...

Roksan TMS with all the bits and a good Lyra or maybe a big Dynavector.

Lavardin Phono/Pre/PowerX4


Much acoustic work in the room and that would be me.

When hifi gets too good the software is a problem...

Simple but pretty good I reckon..
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If I won the lottery I'd invest in a trip to the Titanic first (what the hell - it's only 1 million!)...

Then, I'd buy a decent-ish estate, and do the "Hippy" thing and have a decent PA rig in the garden for the summer (500 KW should do it), and I'd have no idea what I'd use indoors - but my Akai CR81D 8track would have to be kept somewhere. I'd get a Nakamichi CR7E and Dragon for tape detail, and a ReVoX A77 for good measure...

I'd also invest in environmentally controlled large rooms for all my music and video needs, lead lined for radiation/magnetic protection.
1) a large custom built house out in the wilds of wales with electric fences, a moat and machine gun nests to keep kleeneeze reps and religeous nutters at bay.
2) an integrated music server based system for distributing music about the house.
3) a dedicated av room
4) a dedicated office / listening room with origional nautilus speakers.
5) a valve / vinyl system in my den.

equipment would have to be extensively demo'd as i've not heard any kit that does *everything* right for me as yet but whatever it was it would have to do it through the nautilii.


...i'd walk into HMV in Oxford St - instuct the manager to close the store down. Then i would proceed to browse at leisure, whilst my favourite tunes bang out in the background, and able assistants carry my bus load of purchases through the checkouts and onwards to my limousine.

Then i would piss off to a remote location of the world with music and 'upgraded' hi-fi in toe, a shed load of books, a few vests and briefs, a pair of sandals, a pipe, and 100Kg of the finest tobacco. Oh and the missus. Then we would retire in a self constructed log cabin with said modest possessions and grow large beards (well just me) and just talk to the animals, and order new tunes over the internet from Amazon - get them flown in once a week. We would accept visitors on Christmas Day.

other than that nowt really - just chill and take each day as it comes.:MILD: