I'm moving oop norf!


Good Evening.... Infidel
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
In a world of pain
Well well well....

This unrepentant southerner is moving opp norf:eek: . I've got a job in the happening metropolis of Oldham, and have just found a flat on the edge of saddleworth moor (you think I'm weird yet?).

Anyone here from round the area, or not too far away (johnc, you're somewhere up here aren't you?)? Might be having a housewarming/cross-forums meet soonish, so who's in the area (that I actually recognise from posting!)?
I am only 1 hr away.

Its great up here, every day I read in the paper about expensive commuting, nowhere to park your car, busy everywhere.

Its a good quality of life no matter what people have you believe, you have leeds,manchester and liverpool, newcastle if you fancy the city.

yorks dales, peak district, lakes if you fancy scenery.

good pubs, good food, nice suburbia, quiter roads, friendlier folk, durham and york for history.

don't forget to buy manchester loot for hifi.:D trouble is, its gone kak, and the new ads policy is going to spell its death knell.

...and that lots just for starters
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Originally posted by sideshowbob
I didn't think there were any jobs up north? Apart from tilling the fields, obviously.

-- Ian

Apparantly following Billy Elliots success, ballet dancing has helped many a northerner gain employment as ballet dancers..... the majority of them seem to play for Newcastle UTD :D
Welcome to a land of reasonably sensible house prices and life beyond paying for your mortgage. Saddleworth is lovely.

Here's a tip though. Don't tell your southern compadres that you live or work near Oldham, or you will be forever blighted by the phrase 'I told 'em, Oldham' rendered in a terrible faux northern accent :rolleyes:. We politely nod and smile when southerners do it; after all it would be rude to engage in a battle of wits with those so clearly ill equipped ;)

Seriously, you'll find a really strong Hi-Fi scene around Lancashire/Manchester with some great shops and excellent extra-curricular activity, particularly Thursday nights in the Stockport area :cool:


Originally posted by sideshowbob
How well does your tutu fit, Hex? :D

-- Ian

Tutu's OK, its the ballet slippers that are a bugger. There's no grip when ya 'ave to chase whippet 'cross t'field cos its got yon 'ed stuck darn t'rabbit 'ole ;) :D

Do let me know if you require a translation ;)
Originally posted by MO!
Apparantly following Billy Elliots success, ballet dancing has helped many a northerner gain employment as ballet dancers..... the majority of them seem to play for Newcastle UTD :D

Unlike the ones who play for Celtic, who still think they are performing in a pub to a karaoke! :D
Re: Re: I'm moving oop norf!

Originally posted by PBirkett
I thought you said you were moving up north :confused:

As far as I'm concerned, Birmingham is up north. Anything further than that is found under "Here be Dragons". :JOEL:

Invites will be in the post shortly for the northern bakeoff/cross forums meet/housewarming/piss-up

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