In need of surge protection.

felix said:
X and Y caps fail safe i.e open circuit - they have to, to get the rating.

Varistors usually fail short-circut, unless hit with enough energy in a spike. Then they explode in a quite spectacular manner :D
This is what I suspected.

There are couple of parallel filter + varistor designs on the net by two people well known for their DIY projects. Neither of them incorporate a fuse or circuit breaker. :confused:
penance said:
Surge supressors rarely have a fuse/breaker.
There will be a fuse in the equipment, and if UK standard a fuse in the plugtop, this negates the need for a fuse in the supressor.
DIY parallell filters mentioned are not in a plug top. They are in a wallwart type PSU box and they do not come with a fuse fitted.

Fuses (either in a plugtop or PSU type box) can blow when a surge occurs and it will go un-noticed making the filter useless. Hence the need to fit an LED in series with an auto resetting circuit breaker.
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wolfgang said:
As for the Belkin's version here is link to the pdf file of the manual.
Does it have the answer to your question?
Downloaded the manual. Then Belkin sent me another detailed 2 page brochure with more details and large internal views.

It is miles ahead of their SurgeMaster series. Case is metal. It has number of filters inside. Looks like a well thought out design. If anyone want to see the .pdf file PM me with email addy.

Cheapest place is at the link 'mr cat' posted. eferer=dealtime
Part Code: F9G823UK3M.
About £55 incl bonus items and postage.
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BlueMax said:
It is miles ahead of their SurgeMaster series. Case is metal. It has number of filters inside. Cheapest place is at the link 'mr cat' posted. eferer=dealtime
Part Code: F9G823UK3M. About £55 incl bonus items and postage.

I have 8 (non-hifi) plugs in need of sockets, so I've bought one of these.

It's very impressive for the money. It's heavy, finished to a high standard and very aesthetically pleasing, not an ugly black lump. The edge of the case is grooved, so any excess cable can be wrapped neatly round it. Someone's thought this through :)

Filtering wise, it has 2 iron core chokes, 4 differential chokes and four caps, arranged in serties so that the far end sockets are the most filtered.

Not tried it on the hifi, but nothing seems awry with the board plugged in elsewhere.
I placed an order online on Sunday and got it on Tuesday. :)
Came with few good quality cables for telephone, satellite, aerial and other useful bits.

Well thought out design that show attention to detail and excellent quality construction put many hi-fi trade offerings that cost 4 times or more to shame. Belkin claim that 42 million are in use world-wide! Some dealers charge £79 but £55 incl next day from this 'morecomputers' people makes it a bargain.

I listened to it for about couple of hours. Too early to make judgements. Now performing domestic duties in the kitchen (for burning in). :MILD:

In a couple of weeks time I will remove parallel filters and power cables with filtering that I use. Then fit stardard cables and Belkin Isolator and do a good test.
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The new Experience Filtration mains extension blocks both come with surge protection up to around 180,000 Amps, but their products do come at a price premium.
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Agree the latest toy is an impressive big box with reassuringly expensive looks. The smooth metal case is good enough to be displayed on the shelf along with the rest of the expensive toys. Friends visiting shouldn't do this :NADowner: and question its hifi credential. Hope it do what it says on the box next time the National Grid decide to attack my toys with evil 'surges and spikes'.

More important question for geeks :D . Are there any sonic benefit? First impression according to my subjective-dazed-with-nice-looking-toy the improvement is 'HUGE' or at least obvious to one who had been using a pair of Woolworth distribution blocks prior to this. Got it plug in before she came back. She says the TV broadcast benefited the most. Speech has become more intelligible and sound tracks are more involving. Hmm...:rds2: Never expected this but the sound opens up with a generally more musical feels with sweeter pitch and even the drum beats firm up a touch.
I've put my block on the hifi.

I won't spread audiophilia nervosa by describing the sound, but to my ear it has no harmful effects at all. I swapped a cap in my DAC, and there was plenty difference the block let through.

Looks like this Belkin block is the benchmark to beat.
The manufacturer don't give out much in the way of specifications but is this one any better?!

The Silencer Block, 8-way, by Russ Andrews

£235.00 :eek:
Mains Cable extra :eek:

If you like something with a mains cable, how about a 6-way extension socket with 3m cable?

£93.00 :eek:
I don't have any of the other blocks mentioned in this thread. I would not be able to give an informed opinion. Maybe we should keep this quiet a little longer until we make up our mind. Otherwise they might just increase the price of this toy suddenly if there is a surge in demand. The last time I remember the secret discovery of a certain granite support the national supply seems to runs out suddenly.

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