I need to free up some cash for a speaker upgrade, so I was wondering what the interest levels would be in THIS: Stands Unique Ultimate High AV rack Its the same as this one, except without the glass doors (Cost new £720) [URL]http://www.homecinemachoice.com/reviews/wvreviews/Furniture/StandsUnique/StandsUniqueUltimateHighCabinet.jpg[/URL] Its in cherrywood and looked great in my last house, but my new flat is all light wood so it doesnt really go anymore. Bought it around 6 years ago, there are some minor scuffs and scratches on the pillars and the feet, but its still in great condition, well looked after. As I said I want to upgrade my AE109's to something a bit less AV and more HIFI (particularly in the soundstaging and clarity stakes- the AE's have BIG bass but aren't the clearest or most realistic sounding speakers in the world. I might consider a swap for speakers of a similar value mabye, cut out the middleman? As I said, just an interest check! Thanks GAz.