Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it an SACD player?

of course, that's why we should change each two years the CD-player. :D

The shaolin is the compact version of the Kalista + C2A: for those who don't have the space of having a 4 shelf rack only for a CD-player. :D

Metronome gives you something (volume) for the price :D
technobear said:
Well I think it looks fabulous :p

I must say that I do like the looks of the monoblock amps but the question is, what do they sound like? Anyway, here is some translated info on CD-T300 spaceship.


Japanese NPC SM5847 oversampling and filter chip.
Eight Burr-Brown PCM1704K D/A converter chips, four per channel in parallel for single-ended output, two per channel in parallel for balanced configuration.
Twelve Burr-Brown OPA627 chips for I/V conversion and low pass filtering.
Four Russian EH6922 vacuum tubes / valves with gold plated pins for output amplification.
Very clean power from a separate power supply.
Famous Philips "King of the rockers" CDM-4 transport.
5Ãâ€"7 lattice LED display screen with "INTELLIGENT DISPLAYS" technology.
Three point support of the chassis.
Multiple anti-vibration construction to isolate the transport mechanism.
Custom-made aluminium alloy chassis, built with meticulous craftsmanship.

Enjoy the music,

as in the op amp chips... although i have no idea which are or are not any good. and no i don't entirely understand the tennis reference either....

sorry BB 627's are the op amp world's equivilent to pipe and slippers :SLEEP: , Its been suggested that a lot of manufacterures use this particular one to 'smooth' over certain 'badgers posteria' traits in the ouput stages of their cdp's :D , going on the Shandlings 200 performance I could believe that the consistancy of this theroy is held thoughout the range :cool:
627's Very 'Nice' sounding op-amps, translation matrix will be available soon. :)

Any one for Tennis?, Pimms?, Noel coward & tea and cucumber sandwhiches on the lawn dear<>Quintessenital English niceness, Very Nice 'Proper' lovely, boring, terminally lacking any form of involvment, possibly does that help?
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Im not sure if its overkill (possibly) but the design is sooooo much better than yet another silver or black box.

Most CD players are so conservative in design they practically put you to sleep.

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