What I can't understand is how I i got this virus in the first place. I am studying the a degree in the internet and I know how it all works however I am pretty sure I would not have downloaded any programs or screensavers (which is just a program) from any attachments, in fact I never download attachments from unkown sources.
Also the blaster virus didn't show to after I formated my PC which was rather worrying.
My connection still seems like its being hacked, I have so much traffic I can't explain, and it keeps cutting out, I am frankly getting sick of the internet. I am going to phone BT to ask them to change my IP address, I think this may help.
If this does not work, I shall just make a Windows 98 server for the internet and then just share that, it seems all these viruses are targeted for XP. I don't get this hacking problem with my P233 WIN98 laptop (with the broadband modem plugged into that)
What annoys me though is that I never use kazza as I am against the piracy aspect (Also MP3 sounds crap). Even my copy of XP is legal.
I am installing all the updates now, this may take hours, so much for a my sleep tonight.