It´s a virus...

yea acording to teletex its sobig f,last one was e,it was ment to hit on the 10th of sept but for some reason both e and f have "woken up" a week early.As for the net,its a nightmare at the moment for me ,feels like im using my old 9600 modem not a 600k connection:(
I had the MSBLAST worm, found by Norton, ran the Norton removal tool (!!) , pc was a bit dodgy for a couple of days but now it seems absolutely fine. The MS patch just says - no tracve of MSBLAST.

(No sign of SOBIG.F though. Guesss I just have to wait for SOBIG.G !!)
What I can't understand is how I i got this virus in the first place. I am studying the a degree in the internet and I know how it all works however I am pretty sure I would not have downloaded any programs or screensavers (which is just a program) from any attachments, in fact I never download attachments from unkown sources.

Also the blaster virus didn't show to after I formated my PC which was rather worrying.

My connection still seems like its being hacked, I have so much traffic I can't explain, and it keeps cutting out, I am frankly getting sick of the internet. I am going to phone BT to ask them to change my IP address, I think this may help.

If this does not work, I shall just make a Windows 98 server for the internet and then just share that, it seems all these viruses are targeted for XP. I don't get this hacking problem with my P233 WIN98 laptop (with the broadband modem plugged into that)

What annoys me though is that I never use kazza as I am against the piracy aspect (Also MP3 sounds crap). Even my copy of XP is legal.

I am installing all the updates now, this may take hours, so much for a my sleep tonight.
AT the blaster virus dont need you to do anything,it runs around the net looking for an open port,wanders in and does its thing(exposing another sequirty hole in a microshit product),it apeared very breifly on my machine but my firewall and anti virus software soon stoped it in its tracks and showed it the door(it wasnt wearing a tie:) ).next stop was the ms site for the latest updates.
I assume the speed of the net being slugish is down to the amount of spoof emails these varies viruses are genarating.
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I am really really sick of it, I installed PCILLEN and the updates for it, that confirmed I had MSBLAST, but it could not delete it. It seems I then had it in the registry but I deleted it from there, I could not find the file msblast.exe anywere but PCILLEN said my DLLHOST.EXE file was affected by it.

Does anybody know of a program I can manaully open and disable ports? The problem is my PC is a server for other people in the house to share the internet access so my firewall can never be on full security. My internet access is still sending out traffic constantly so somthing is still not right.

I need to try and close port 135 as I think thats the port that sends ougoing emails, I use lycos and not outlook so its fine if I close this port as I don't use the SMPT protocol. The problem is all the firewalls I have tried either shut off network access completly so others in my house can't use the net or they keep all ports open allowing attacks.

I am hoping I can get BT to change my ISP address but I am not sure what good that will do on the long term at all.
Did the blaster virus get in peoples PC's due to not having or not updating their firewall and AV? I have kept up with these and had not problems at all.
Originally posted by amazingtrade
Also the blaster virus didn't show to after I formated my PC which was rather worrying.

FDISK is 'high level' format. It does not earse the data completly.
'Low level' format does. But you need special utilities.

I am going to phone BT to ask them to change my IP address, I think this may help.[/B]

There is no permanent IP assigned to any subscriber. Everytime you log in you get a new IP address. Connection speeds have been poor for most people in the last couple of weeks.

Virus protection is a long subject. I remember writing a 40-page paper on it when at college. Most anti-virus programs can detect but can not protect against boot-sector and certain other type of viruses.

In IT networks, virus scanning starts with virgin DOS diskettes.
SOPHOS is the one widely used in the IT Industry.
I think the virus was caused because when I formated my PC I went on the internet to test the broadband modem drivers were installed correctly for a couple minutes, I did this without a firewall so the virus probably sneaked in via one of the ports.

As for my IP address because I'm on broadband its a static IP address, I've had the same one for the last year, its handy when running a web server but not so handy when it comes to hacking. Its mainly dialup services that use dymanic IP addresses.

I downloaded some of the free patches from sophos it sorted out the blaster problem in the registery. I've also downloaded all the pathces from Microsoft.

This is the first time I've been on the net since doing the above, and so far the internet acivity seems normal again but I shall keep a close eye on it.
Ahhh - the joys of running Windoes 98 - it might hang all the time, crap out whenever I stick a new USB device in it, and be totally crap, but at least no-one's developing viruses for it any more....

I use Sophos at home, but have no firewall - I only have an Athlon 750 (that's how little I can be arsed to pay out to keep a computer - no upgrades in 3 years) and anything running in the background will kill it...

I might well upgrade to XP/some new bits of hardware soon though - how good are these freebie firewalls?
I didn't get infected, McAfee Virus Scan took care of it before it installed, actually when I check the infected e-mails, there is a McAfee attachement too, wich I dont bother opening, of course...

I was only warning you... ;)
Thanks Blue M for the AVG antivirus link.

Ive installed that, thanks very much

I tried 'zonealarm' for a firewall but its not win 95 compatable.

Anyone know of a decent (FREE) on that is?

Cheers! :)
I have a nice Pentium 233MMX Windows 98 based laptop I am seriosuly considering using that for next few weeks as my main machine.

I've shut donn dllhost.dll from the system processes and now my traffic is more normal. It seems I've had a few viruses.
You young bucks and bloatware!!
Nothing goes wrong [!] with my dial up/P166/Win95
And it runs fast enough - specially on old Opera [the one that takes up 1/2 a floppy..and ignores all this modern webpage kak]

Data is manually mirrored on multiple discs + partitions for less rebuilding grief

Of course, if I rebuild it, I change the partition sizes to dice up any viruses.
If you format a disc [not the same as fdisk BTW], you could use a free space wiper/shredder to remove old data [maybe not the boot sector though?]
Originally posted by bottleneck
Thanks Blue M for the AVG antivirus link.

Ive installed that, thanks very much

I tried 'zonealarm' for a firewall but its not win 95 compatable.

Anyone know of a decent (FREE) on that is?

Cheers! :)

Outpost is a good free one and works on Windows 95.

click Download and select :
Outpost Firewall FREE, version 1.0
