Just bought ATC SCM12

After having had these on demo for a while, I have to say I'm beginning to find the midrange and upper bass warmth just too powerful and that its smothering the music somewhat.... no longer so certain these are the speakers for me. Toe-in does make a slight difference, I find having them pointing straight forward improves them tonally a bit - they sound cleaner and more focused (but still not as much as I'd like), but at the expense of imaging.
Every mag that runs the A21 with low sensitivity speakers will say 'it shouldn't sound this good but it does' or 'it shouldn't drive them this well but it does'

you would think they had got used to it by now
You chaps that have the ATC SCM12s - what speaker cable are you using? Bi wired or single runs?

I have just been trying to get these speakers to sound as good as I first thought they were.... tried removing the brass links and bi-wiring them with what I had to hand, which is 3m pair of LFD spiroflex (what i normally use) to bass drivers, and 5m pair of Kimber 8 TC (which was lying in the garage for years) to tweeters.

Suddenly everything has snapped back into focus and I'm impressed all over again! Auditioning these has been an interesting experience.
Hi Alan

I am using single wire Ecosse speaker cable, MS2.3. I bought these a few years ago second hand because I thought they were good value for money. Cables may make a difference, but I haven't tested others.

hifienthusiast said:
I am using single wire Ecosse speaker cable, MS2.3. I bought these a few years ago second hand because I thought they were good value for money...
I similarly found Ecosse interconnects good value for money and am yet to find any compelling reason to change.

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