Just what does a 30 year old woman want?

stumblin said:
Sheesh, are you even aware of the strereotypes leveled at men, hi-fi enthusiasts, computer enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, etc... categories that we all fall into at least one if not all of? Is everything that is said true? Does everything apply to you? Are you happy being described that way? No? Then stop flipping doing it to others!!!! There's a name for that behaviour, it sounds greek and the first half is large mammal.

auric said:
According to her nine inches in today's Guardian it would seem that La Cox just wants to be an object of lust every now and then. Will chaps ever understand the way a thinking woman thinks?

Would you be happy if <insert name of your least favourite male columnist> was seen as representing the way all 'thinking men' think? Anyway all Guardian columnists are mad.
Tenson said:
Would you say its alright to make a generalization about a group of people based on passed experience? Most women are pretty irrational. In my experience this is true.

I agree, but would add that most men are irrational too; you only need to consider the money we spend on our 'toys'. Think how many pairs of shoes you could buy for the price of a high-end amplifier!
hmm yes without a doubt, I do feel extremely sorry for some long suffering wives, the amount a man does spend on superfluous extras like cables plugs and bits.
And no doubt other things.

Sometimes I do think women are more 'superior' with their communication skills and senses.
And have perhaps priorities a bit better, gong out to the shops with friends, social activities, looking and feeling nice, nice house, nice decor, nice environment.
that gives a lot of pleasure, how much do we get from playing with our toys?
Lt Cdr Data said:
Sometimes I do think women are more 'superior' with their communication skills and senses.
And have perhaps priorities a bit better, gong out to the shops with friends, social activities, looking and feeling nice, nice house, nice decor, nice environment.
that gives a lot of pleasure, how much do we get from playing with our toys?

I would quote Jane Austen: 'One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other half', and that's not just a male/female division. But who is to say which set of pleasures priorities are 'better'? Enjoyment is after all an entirely subjective concept.
Anyway all Guardian columnists are mad
Change the All to some and I might side with you on that one. I do think that Sara Cox may not be in quite the same class as Jane Austen but I expect that her piece was written with perhaps more than just an inch or two of tongue in cheek. I would say she has started a few people thinking in this small part of the HI-FI universe and may just have started a mass debate upon the subject of what women want. So that can't be all bad can it?
auric said:
Change the All to some and I might side with you on that one. I do think that Sara Cox may not be in quite the same class as Jane Austen but I expect that her piece was written with perhaps more than just an inch or two of tongue in cheek.
I've actually read the article now. It seems to me the usual Polly Filla stuff you get in these sort of columns; spin out some guff about nothing very much, like 'Just a Minute' but without the interruptions. The idea that anyone would regard it as anything other than disposable nonsense is quite staggering, but that's men for you!
Lt Cdr Data said:
hmm yes without a doubt, I do feel extremely sorry for some long suffering wives, the amount a man does spend on superfluous extras like cables plugs and bits.
And no doubt other things.

Sometimes I do think women are more 'superior' with their communication skills and senses.
And have perhaps priorities a bit better, gong out to the shops with friends, social activities, looking and feeling nice, nice house, nice decor, nice environment.
that gives a lot of pleasure, how much do we get from playing with our toys?

I'd rather have the toys.
Anyway, I've read the thread. Thank you to Stumblin and those of you that don't think we are all alike. What does a 30 year old woman want? Well, it depends on the woman. Fancy stuff? Not for me. Unless it comes to camera equipment, then I'd have to say ok. All those shoes? Hell no. Give me something I can walk in and I'll wear it everyday for years. Big house? Nope. Fancy things inside it? Nope. Space to do my own thing and let my man do his? Yes please. Do I need a man to tell me how to get somewhere? Nope. I can read a map. Do I have to have him take me? No. I have legs, I can get to a bus stop.

Yes, I am quite different than some women, but most of my friends are like me. Most of the women that work out at the dojang I work at are like me. Just because one woman is a pain in the bum, doesn't make all of us that way.
prematuremango said:
Give me something I can walk in and I'll wear it everyday for years. Yes please. Do I need a man to tell me how to get somewhere? Nope. I can read a map. Do I have to have him take me? No. I have legs, I can get to a bus stop.

Go Mango :) Fair play! As for gross generalisations - stereotypes exist for a reason, but everyone is individual as you've proved :) Don't slap me - but I'm in shock about the shoes - he he!

Do you not drive then (bus stop comment)? If so - big up yourself - aiii! Cycling and walking and public transport get me and most of my mates by just fine - not all disabled people live in taxis. Sorry - bit off topic there.

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