To criticise Neu! For lack of consistency really is nit picking of the highest order. Ten minutes of Neu! on form is more important / better / more useful to the bands who came later than most bands entire dreary, predictable, evolutionary output. Ok, so you buy Neu! 2 primarily to get Fur Immer, but that sounds like a truly great deal to me. I'd take ten minutes of Neu! over ten hours of say U2 any day.
Up until a couple of years ago the only way to get hold of the Neu! albums was to pay about 60 quid a pop for an original vinyl pressing or suffer overpriced and very poor quality pirate CDs. Even so it was actually worth it. You young people nowadays have never had it so good!
Neu! are one of those select few bands who actually changed the way music developed ââ'¬â€œ they may not have sold many copies of their records at the time, but the few people who bought them used the information contained in the groves wisely. This can clearly be heard on first listening ââ'¬â€œ they sound strangely familiar and current, though the familiarity and currency is entirely down to their profound influence on others who came later. The shock comes when you read the date on the label and realise just how far out of their own reality they existed ââ'¬â€œ the first Neu! album was born at the same time as Genesis' Nursery Cryme, Yes' Fragile, Moody Blues' Every Good Boy Deserves Favor etc, and (whilst I've nothing against these albums) by comparison Neu! sound like they arrived from the very distant future via a time tunnel.
I rank the three Neu! albums up there with say Ornette Coleman's Free Jazz, Beach Boys Pet Sounds, Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica, Velvet Underground and Nico, Can / Faust etc, Eno's Music For Airports, Kraftwerk's TEE, Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures, Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works and hundreds more truly brilliant and influential LPs, i.e. the albums that shaped the way forward. It is not even necessary to 'like' any of these albums, but it is very useful to understand what they brought that was simply not there before. Anyone with even the faintest interest in the evolution of modern music needs all three Neu! albums!