Hi again, So, I've now got a lathe, + wood saw with the intention of making up/ experimenting with some cones....maybe selling a few on. I do have a bit of a concience about the wood aspect, if I use Oak , the stuff takes 200 years to grow. I know cones are hardly are hardly massive but the point is tsill a valid one. If there anyway of using wood (reputable sources)with out having the sneakling suspinion thats its come from a beautiful tree chainsawed the day before yesterday..... If no one bought it ...it would n't be chopped down needlessly. Can any one enlighten me on how his works? I'v e heared of hte "timber trade federation"....appparan tly they plant 5 trees for very one they chop down........it'll still take 200 years to grow though!!! :) regs, David