Lending a friend [or friends] a CD

cant believe TONES hasnt posted yet.

I'd suggest the original poster to PM him. He is an expert in copyright after all.
As to 'audio only' CD-R blanks. There was, allegedly, originally a plan to charge a royalty on the blanks and then use the collected fees to re-imburse the industry towards copying. The story AFAIK, is that the bandits in the music industry could not agree how to share out the loot, then the CD-ROM took off and PCs became the tool for 'stealing music'. It is doubtful if the musicians would have benefited, since most are not the copyright owners anyway.

Of course, the audio only blanks DO cost more..it's just that the money actually goes to some thief in the supply chain
Tom Alves said:
Sorry Erik, I hadn't realised you weren't in the UK. .

Thanks Tom. I didn't mention it before assuming that the lack of British pedigree would shine out anyway. :rolleyes:

Graham C said:
As to 'audio only' CD-R blanks. There was, allegedly, originally a plan to charge a royalty on the blanks and then use the collected fees to re-imburse the industry towards copying. The story AFAIK, is that the bandits in the music industry could not agree how to share out the loot

Would expect so yes. Still curious though and I will contact our copy-rights organization to find out whether they managed to collect any royalties like intended.
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ErikfH said:
You can make as many copies as you like as long as you obtained the original source legally (through shop, library, loaning etc.) and copies made are used for strictly private purposes only, e.g. separate copies for each car, pc, bedroom etc are allowed.

By buying a blank CD, the purchaser pays a small sum to a copy-right organisation.
I spoke with the copyright organisation this morning that confirmed what was mentioned before. It is not allowed to sell a copy or to give it away, but someone else can use your original to make a copy for his own leisure.

Home copying levies collected are per
Data CD-r Blank: 0.14 EUR
Audio CD-R Blank: 0.42 EUR
DVD-R Blanks: 1 EUR

Didn't ask how returns are distributed, but break down might follow payments laid down in the royalty accounts for any artist, or something similar.

Anyway, the person couldn't explain the different treatment among different countries. I'm still inclined to think that artists in the UK (and US?) are way better organized (with the help of the recording industry or whatever) than here in Holland. We can easily count the number of popular artitsts and bands that can make a living by performing music on two or three hands. Or what else would make the difference?

snowflake said:
Also my mate has a marantz CD copier, it wont use normal off the spindle disks, he has to buy special more expensive ones
With SMCS activated only 'Audio only' blanks can absorb the information. These copiers got tweaked massivily (a dealer told that the manufacturer provided the tools for this) thus allowing the use of Data 'blanks'. But PC burning took over before the copiers had the chance to develop a market.

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