Linn gets into road legislation

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by michaelab, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. michaelab

    Lt Cdr Data om

    Jun 24, 2003
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    away from the overcrowded south

    hohoho, and they are all blond buxom bimbos!

    interestingly, I put it down to a number of things, first of all there is a link between motorists going to fast and obesity...ehhh?

    allow me to explain...its the pace of modern living, have to get there earlier, have to have things, stress, too much to do, too little time, not enuff cash for everything we want,

    Oliver James wrote a book with a big orrible title, called partly 'why we are more depressed despite being richer'

    The conlcusion I believe is a real insight in this mixed up world, he says we are less happy, because we compare ourselves to others more...translate 'keep up with the joneses' we look at ourselves and are found wanting in the face of celebrity..everone else is rich beautiful, happy, we are poor miserable, etc...and this is more so now, yes, has always been, but more toys means less cash, and the media shout how much you have to have it.

    How does this tie in to speeding, well, it doesn't really, its just background, but obesity, stress yes, I have found myself eating more chocolate biscuits, more pringles, I can easily eat a whole pack, I seem to want more, little does not satisfy as much,

    Who is at fault, the food manufacturers, partly, they do make things more 'tasty' to compensate for the lack of real wholesome ingredients, the advertisers, yes, showing all the beatuful, slim, happy young people,
    so when the media points the finger at one thing, it is always far more complex, and the reciepent of the criticism will always deny and so on.. Just watch. In reality, the cause is a complex mix of all and our inherent need for it, too. One thing is not to blame, all a part.

    stress of modern life, wanting more, keeping up with jones, wanting to be posh and becks, incessant media pressure drilled at you, faster driving more desire to bunk, more junk eating...its all linked....

    speed in itself does not kill(after all we would all be dead doing 100+mph), its only when you hit something, either a pedestrian or other object.

    Its drivers judgment, lower speed in urbans, raise on mways, too slow on mways can be dangerous, but only caus others don't have the patience, courtesy, and lack of judgment about how close they can get.

    And of course, 1/2 the bloody fuel tax, its preposterous its about 80% of the price.
    But then all middle england would have to pay more income tax to make up the shortfall, and the government would not be re-elected,

    Things have to be paid for, and that means tax. One way or the other, visible or invisible,

    You have to pay vat on just about everything, even 2nd hand computers, so you pay the vat, buy it again, and the vat gets paid again....its wrong.

    I got charged vat on postage for a tweeter, just caus it was invoiced, so something that is not taxable I have to pay tax...its wrong...

    Tax on earnings, save some, taxed on interest, buy a car, vat on that, car tax, vat on insurance, tax on petrol, vat on servicing, parts, then you get fined.

    ps Jules, not always true about big cars, the chrysler grand voyager got a dreadful crash rating, and though understandable, the chances of a paedophile strike are hugely exaggerated, as is an old dear getting beaten by a yob. Media again, preying on your fears. Let kids walk like we all used to do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2004
    Lt Cdr Data, Feb 4, 2004
  2. michaelab


    Jun 19, 2003
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    erm....does that make it easier to bear?

    And you forgot the costs of dying too.

    Of course you could always shoot yourself, but i believe that is illegal :ffrc: :confused: - like what they gonna do? - put you in a coffin of reinforced steel bars. And if you're in the frame of mind to pop yourself, i hardly think you're gonna worry about the legality of it? What's that all about?
    cookiemonster, Feb 4, 2004
  3. michaelab


    Sep 1, 2003
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    I've often wondered about this particular bit of legislation - is it, do you think, anything to do with the increase of weight on the conscience of the individual about to commit in, not only are your parents going to have lost a child but, now, thanks to you you ungrateful suicidal little ingrate, they will have to bear the shame of knowing they raised a criminal just doesn't make very much sense.

    Or is it that making it illegal in some way demonises the individual to the extent that, as they were only a criminal anyway, who cares if they top themselves? By the way, for those out there who may be considering the whole suicide/topping yourself thing or just if you're interested, my girlfriend was telling me the other day about a life insurance policy she was proof reading(we have exciting lives I can tell you), and how she was having to calculate the percentage of the total death benefit payable should you not die but, instead, lose your lower jaw. The answer is 30% - this is how much the ability to retain food in your mouth(amongst other things) is worth on paper.

    Anyway, enough of this cheer - as Bill Hicks used to say, who wants to talk about abortion to lighten the conversation up?

    Back on topic....

    speed cameras to protect lives = good
    speed cameras to make the local authorities money = bad.

    Hope you're having a good day......


    temporarily renamed

    Goomer, Feb 4, 2004
  4. michaelab

    Lt Cdr Data om

    Jun 24, 2003
    Likes Received:
    away from the overcrowded south
    Who is at fault...I am like the media myself, I can diagnose the problem, but I am at a loss for the cure.

    "I didn't make the world, I just try to live in it" Sadi, David Eddings....Belgariad trilogy

    I bet we get taxed on funerals, too!! Even the dead cannot escape.

    Maybe if the suicide attempt fails, and you unfortunately survive you have to live with having a record, and paying the fine/prison...whatever...

    i think they have too much faith in the morality of the country, and think that the good ol britsh lad or lass will not do something just cos its not legal. The letter of the law will not stop people, only something which 'hurts' them in some get lynched in singapore, just for dropping chewing gum.

    Bill Hicks....why do the good die young?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2004
    Lt Cdr Data, Feb 4, 2004
  5. michaelab

    julian2002 Muper Soderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    the only way to beat the system is to not be part of it. unfortunately this means you can only partially beat it because even if you grow your own food, and recycle everything you still have to pay for the dust bin lorry to drive up your road to not collect your bins.
    it's often occurred to me that the governments of the world are really just a 'super mafia' you pay so they don;t put you in prison, sounds like a protection racket to me.. they even run numbers, or the national lotto as it;s called.

    to continue the bill hicks quotes... i am goat boy. put your legs over my shoulders and i'll wear you like a feed bag.


    julian2002, Feb 4, 2004
  6. michaelab


    Sep 1, 2003
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    You smell funny.

    Goomer, Feb 4, 2004
  7. michaelab

    Lt Cdr Data om

    Jun 24, 2003
    Likes Received:
    away from the overcrowded south
    that's a great chat up line...

    I reckon the lottery, note not lotto, shitty a swizz, I bet they make em all up and keep the cash to line their pocketses
    Lt Cdr Data, Feb 4, 2004
  8. michaelab

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    He he - but if it was that thick a fog, the camera photos wouldn't come out - sweet. Typical that it means you can't speed in that situation...

    Come March, I'll be that dippy hippy on a bike - though I'm a psychotic maniac who weaves through queues of traffic etc like I'm on some death wish (I NEVER ride on the pavement or jump lights though).

    On the kids thing - of course they need to be safe, and I'm not totally against OTHER people having them. I do feel though that something has to give - bring back the supervised buses or something - all those cars (and of course the damn commuter drivers with 1 person in a BMW or Merc) just choke everyone - it's grim. Something really does have to be done about pedderasses though - physical castration and torture spring to mind. Especially when the perve has been in a position of trust and duty care e.g. the Holly/Jessica case, or then again, that sick molesting wanker we used to have in charge of senior house at our school (luckily he never tried it on on me).

    Damn right - don't give me that crappy excuse of "I didn't mean to do it, I was drunk bla bla sob sob" - you got drunk, so it's premeditated. Same as drug driving - diminished responsibility is only that if you're insane; if you take drugs it's not insanity, just self imposed temporary madness.

    Yep - get rid of those doddering old gits who should ALSO then have to take a test on those bloody dangerous motorised golf cart thingies that seem to delight in trying to run over pedestrians.

    I like the idea of that - it could work too, with transponders and computerised ordering facilities. I could have got to work in 10 minutes as opposed to 45 this morning then :)
    domfjbrown, Feb 5, 2004
  9. michaelab

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    Busses should NOT be banned.
    More of the lazy F*&^% who insist on taking kids to school in a 4x4 should be useing the bus.
    really winds me up when they say ' but the bus is so slow'
    damn right its slow, cuz of all you lazy gits in your gas guzling shit heaps who cant be arsed to walk to the bus stop, if you stayed off the road in your 4x4 then the bus would get there quicker!

    ON the subject of 4x4 around town, WTF is with these people, are the expecting a yogurt slick in Sainsbury's carpark??

    penance, Feb 5, 2004
  10. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    I hear you, I do, but have you ever driven a 4x4 in town (esp. London)? It's wonderful :) The higher up driving position means you can actually see where you're going. Of course a Vauxhall Zafira or a Transit van would give the same benefit but with none of the class :)

    If/when I get kids I will be sorely tempted to get a luxury 4x4 and I'd mostly drive it in town :duck:

    michaelab, Feb 5, 2004
  11. michaelab

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    Thing is Micheal, i can understand why people may use them, but the enviroment is somewhat more important IMO
    And if people do feel they have to drive them, they should stop moaning about congestion.
    personally i think they should be banned unless you have a legitimate bussiness use for them. I also believe that people who regulary use a vehicle with just 1 person in should pay a higher road tax, and that people who have a low annual mileage and use public transport should pay less tax..............
    penance, Feb 5, 2004
  12. michaelab

    Sauerkraut Do I or Don't I? I did!!!

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Michael is right you know. I'm feeling tempted already!
    If only I had money! Or kids for that matter!
    Sauerkraut, Feb 5, 2004
  13. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Certainly the road tax system is a fairly blunt instrument. I've always favoured a system based on fuel usage eg:

    Each person has an allowance of 300 gallons of fuel per year (non transferable and non carry-overable) which is taxed at a lower rate than fuel is currently. Beyond your 300 gallons you start to pay increasingly more punitive levels of fuel tax.

    That way those people like myself who have a powerful car that's not very economical but who only do very low milage (last year I did about 3000 miles in my car) are treated as fairly as the person in the diesel VW Lupo that does 40K miles a year.

    Currently the 40K a year diesel Lupo driver sits there all smug and looking down at me with their "green" credentials when in all likelihood they pollute the environment far more than I do in the few miles that I drive each year :mad:

    Clearly the system would require some new technology at filling stations and also the system would have to be well designed such that there were no easily exploitable loopholes but I think it would be doable.

    michaelab, Feb 5, 2004
  14. michaelab

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    If you have money, then have kids, you DEFINITEY won't have that money for a very long time...

    It's a personal choice having kids and it's up to the individual, but I'll never have any of my own thanks.

    Mind you, if I did, I can't drive, so there's no danger of a 4x4 in MY driveway! The "wife" ('cos I won't get married either) can drive the smallest engined 4 door there is :)
    domfjbrown, Feb 5, 2004
  15. michaelab


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Quotes from The Times,

    A MOTHER was jailed for two years yesterday after admitting that she caused the deaths of her daughter and her daughter's friend by driving dangerously on the way to a birthday party. ......

    After collecting the girls from a drama class, she drove at speeds of up to 80mph along a country lane in Lincolnshire.....

    ....(mother) fully accepts responsibility for this accident. She has been left distraught living with feelings of guilt and the memories of that tragic day. No order or sentence passed by the court could ever be greater than the sentence Heather has given herself.â€Â,,2-995320,00.html

    Any solicitors here? I wonder if it is because the media is not reporting the facts correctly or our courts appear to be very inconsistent when it comes to road safety.
    wolfgang, Feb 10, 2004
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