linn sondeck?

Your superiority shines through yet again James :) Are you going to do a matching range of 'Mana' stab proof vests with those awe inspiring 'JW' initals on them, if so I want one so we can proudly display it at Omy-god audio for those mere mortals to see, please Sir James it would be a great mission statement in the front office.
Originally posted by rob
never listened to one before but i have heard people saying they are well tempermental .personally i dont think i could be arsed to set up a tt on a regular basis.
So what are you going to do with that skip find?
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Your superiority shines through yet again James :) Are you going to do a matching range of 'Mana' stab proof vests with those awe inspiring 'JW' initals on them, if so I want one so we can proudly display it at Omy-god audio for those mere mortals to see, please Sir James it would be a great mission statement in the front office.

I was just having a little joke with you, Tony.
James I know :) I'm stuck Sorting out a Rega planet at the Mo :rolleyes: I'm sure some one intended them to play music when they had the inital design concept , But I'm working on it, however it may take a while. Tone
Originally posted by wadia-miester
I'm stuck Sorting out a Rega planet at the Mo :rolleyes: I'm sure some one intended them to play music when they had the inital design concept , But I'm working on it, however it may take a while. Tone
Oh no Steve. He's going to kill your poor Planet, just when we got it to sing
Originally posted by The Devil
But before you get too excited about how rubbish the LP12 allegedly is, please consider that the crappy old LP12 saw off the Linn CD12 CD player at a public demo.

That's because CD is fundamentally flawed and even an Ariston ripoff with dated looks and speed stability Fisher Price would be ashamed of can piss all over CD.... :)

Seriously, no, the LP12 isn't that bad when set up right, but if you're a lazy git like me who prefers to stick on records and listen, rather than fiddle with the deck, a Rega 3 is a good start - I'll get a Garrard 401/Rega P9 one of these days....

I've heard the CD12 in a fairly revealing system, and whilst it doesn't do anything wrong, it's boring to listen to IMHO. Not worth 12k that's for damn sure - nice cupholder though!
Originally posted by wadia-miester
James I know :) I'm stuck Sorting out a Rega planet at the Mo :rolleyes: I'm sure some one intended them to play music when they had the inital design concept , But I'm working on it, however it may take a while. Tone

My Rega Planet Mk1 does a fair stab at music - better than anything else under a grand I tested at the time...

Mind you, I've heard what you've done to Henryt's transport - and am very impressed. I guess the innards of the Planet Mk1 are too tight to cram a clock mod in though, right? (clamshell case and all that)
Yet another internet hi-fi room myth: The LP12 is a fussy, feisty beast that only the blessed can get to work.

I've lived with LP12s since 1985. Like any mechanical thing, wear and tear can occur, a new belt here, a service there. Not a huge deal. It's a simple device: there isn't that much to 'go wrong'.

They most emphatically do NOT require constant tweaking.

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