Hi Hifienthusiast,
So sorry to hear about your problems with the eBay auction. However......
I have dealt with Fraser's Hi Fi at Slough over many years and even more so, my son Adrian who has Ray Fraser, the father and Mark, his son, amongst his personal friends. Over the years, Frasers have seen their margins more and more cut by the AV brigade, who are more interested in cheap surround systems than pure audiophile: Slough is hardly the centre for discerning high end enthusiasts IMO. Consequently, Frasers have concentrated more and more on "in home" installations.
Both Ray and Mark are of the highest repute and have always leant over backwards to resolve any problems fo me in the past, as they have also done for my son: I find it inconceivable that they would fraudently sell something on eBay. Quite honestly, if they have just wound up their business, then they will have a mountain of paperwork to attend to and would naturally prioritise the administrative and legal matters first of all. Or they could have just taken that well earned and promised holiday. Their telephone number is course unanswered because the business is closed.
My advice would be to stay in contact with the seller via eBay and email and be patient for a week or two whilst Mark "finds his feet" again. Ray has now retired. I am sure that he will come good and you will get your purchase.
I have no connection whatsoever with Frasers but do understand the pressures of business life and that they can sometimes lead to shortcomings in business relations.
Best of luck - I am sure that it will all work out to the good.