Love Actually...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by michaelab, Nov 28, 2003.

  1. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal actually a bloody good film :)

    Saw it a couple of weeks ago in Portgual (released there before it was released in the UK :eek: ) and thoroughly enjoyed it. The storyline about the English bloke falling in love with the Portuguese bird had a particular meaning to me ;)

    It's one of the funniest films I've seen in ages (can't remember the last time I laughed out loud so much at a film) and also one of the most charming feelgood films I've seen in ages.

    No doubt the "serious" critics will pan it for being all saccharine and sickly sweet and not being a realistic portrayal of London life but they're totally missing the point. It's a romantic comedy not a Ken Loach left-wing, gritty drama about the unemployed in Peckham housing estates :rolleyes:

    I'd challenge anyone not to watch it and come out feeling better about life than when they went in.


    PS: if you have this week's "Time Out" check the letters page (last page) for yours truly getting their critic to apologize about the cock up that was his review of the film :devil:
    michaelab, Nov 28, 2003
  2. michaelab

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    My goodlady & I saw this last night, Mike is virtualy spot about the 'Feel good factor' (But not in the yank, lets slay em all way')
    more your typical understated, 'yeah, that was good way'
    It's more than a chick flick (G.S.M. Garantee's shag movie, Bridget Jones etc), It's funny and makes some pretty accurate Rye observations of life :), some classic stuff Bill Nighty doing a cross between Mick Jagger has been & 12 Y.O. kid who's just copped his first grope :) 'Listen to your Uncle Billy kids', never buy drugs, just wait til your a rock star, then you get em for free' :D :D ' paying attention MO :) .
    A collection of story-lettes that role into one at the end, very clever, warm, no shocks (apart from the blow job sence, well played by Martin the twat form the office though)
    Only got a couple of minor gripes (there's a change :D )
    A touch too long, could have lost 20 mins & still would have been good, and stereotyping, all the leading players, just played themselves from previous other films
    Grant<> Bubbling middle/upper class loveable gimp that gets the girlies
    Colin Firth, Englishman abroad, who loved & lost & loved again
    Martain the Gimp from the office playing martin the gimp from the office as a stand in porn double :D
    Martine Mac playing a slighty 'thicker dress size' Tiffany from Eastenders.
    Emma Tohmson playing normal 'lost' mum
    The bell end from 'My family' who plays the eldest son (Chris?) playing the same role (can he play anything else?)
    Kira Knightly DING DONG :cool:
    Surprising Gregor Fisher (RaB c nesbett) playing a repressed part :D
    But Bill Nighty stole the show for me a Billy Mac, a very good film, whitty, warm & genuine andf funny, not many like that around these days. Wm
    wadia-miester, Nov 28, 2003
  3. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Keria Knightley even - and yes, SCHWIIIINGGGG!!! :jig:

    The Portuguese bird (Lúcia Moniz) is pretty fit aswell...and more my type really :)

    michaelab, Nov 28, 2003
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