Right, I'm pretty much decided that i am going to break my computer up and sell its parts, to help raise some cash towards a laptop. I was primarily looking at PC laptops, however, i noticed that on ebay you can buy reconditioned Apple Mac laptops, specification is around 1 Ghz / 1 Gb RAM / 60 Gb hard drive for around the £500 mark. CPU apart, that doesnt seem to be that much worse than any of the new PC deals at a similar price. I've always been curious as a long time PC user about macs, just as a change, a break from the norm, as it were. However, i still regard PC's as looking a little more flexible with regards to software and customisation, and with me working in IT i'm not sure that getting one would neccesarily be a good thing from a point of view of keeping in with the knowledge. Now, I cant really decide which to go for. On the one hand, if I could get a PC laptop that could perhaps play the occaisional game and possibly in the future run Vista for a budget of no more than £500-£600 then I'd possibly consider it. However, if its not possible to get such a machine then I'd give the Mac a look. However, the other issue is warranty. How reliable are the Macs? Can anyone recommend good VFM PC laptops for no more than £600?