well here I am, exactly one week into using XP.
The highlights of my week? well there wern't many. Word crashed quite a few times, but I am prepared to accept it might have been something specific with this system. each time it crahsed it instisted on sending some information to Microsoft which I found disconcerting, espcially as they were so keen to assure you it wouldn't be used for anything dodgy.
The configuration and preferences as an indivdual user were frankly appauling and might as well have been left out. For instance I could have icon, or like a button thing, which was exactly the same sized icon in a square box, well der.
I liked the information available in the desktop on each file, this was useful, although all the stuff on the side becomes tiresome, you could close information you didn't need, but a log out later and it all returned, so basically pointless.
And the good old multi application happened. I had at one point 2 copies of MSWord open. To date I have not understood how this could be in any way benificial, perhaps some one can explain?
I liked the speed of the system, word, excel and powerpoint are "bam" there, but this only applies to MS applications. Opening for instance Adobe Acrobat was painfully slow. And the most annoying 'feature' of this whole shbang came from Outlook. when you compose a new mail message, it opens word and makes you do it from there, and frankly its a mess.
All in all, XP is stable, and fast, but its just windows 98 jazzed up a little to look good, and no one will be able to argue different, there is nothing new here, nothing special, just 98 with a smoother 'task bar'
How I am thankful I never went the PC route. Although I can appriciate the speed on the MS applications.