mains again

Originally posted by penance
basicaly its a brass terminater strip with a plastic case, so you can join tails etc without the need to force them all in the same terminal
I see, thanks p. :) So basically, an electrician would use one of these in the case where you'd say want to have 2 seperate parallel consumer units, both feeding off the same supply (on the other side of the meter)?

Another question, what are "HBC cartridge fuses"?

I'm trying to see what's different about the Memera 2000 disty box that's advertised on the Bristishaudio website, and the cheaper OEM alternatives that Hippy pointed out... Apart from the Dexoit treated innards, there must be a bit a few more differences to warrant the big price differential. :confused:

I'm trying to see what's different about the Memera 2000 disty box that's advertised on the Bristishaudio website, and the cheaper OEM alternatives that Hippy pointed out... Apart from the Dexoit treated innards
the detox:D,the prices i quoted were for exatly the same distrubution board,but dosnt include vat
HBC=high breaking capacity,mainly designed for installation were large fault currents are likelly to occur,also the fault current/time characteristic is slower,a 20 A mcb will trip out in 0.1 seconds with 100A fault,the BS88(HBC) takes 250A to trip in 0.1 seconds for the same fault,might be usefull to stop tripping due to inrush currents on initall turn on
Originally posted by penance
HBC = high breaking capacity
normally more costly than rewirable
So what happens when one of these things gets triggered. Can you re-wire or reset it, or do you have to buy a completely new replacement?

It looks the price for the disty's include all necessary HBC's too by the looks of it, unlike the pricing most electrical wholesalers who always quote base unit prices with no circuit breakers?

Originally posted by penance
i think the BA site is a bit of a rip off tbh
I wouldn't disagree with you, compared to the OEM alternatives that's for sure. Even the un-switched MK sockets are more expensive than Russ Andrews, and even he is expensive - again the excess charge seems to be for de-oxit treatment.

I'm just trying to ascertain whether it's worth splashing out the extra, or if I could get a equally comparable results by spending less. I'm guessing that not many, if any, other companies make the exact same spec stuff that's sold here, so guess it's a captive market type thing. (The perception that) it's unique or heavily customised, so charge the punter as much as you can get away with? :)
So what happens when one of these things gets triggered. Can you re-wire or reset it, or do you have to buy a completely new replacement?
you replace them,there a bigger version of a plug fuse,cost about £1 each.
HBC fuses are cartridge type, so replace when blown

I think you could do just as well with a trip to a wholesale place and a tin of deoxit, that will be the route i take

spoke to a supplier today

4mm2 SWA 3core cable x 30M = £39.90
Glands will be £6.24 for the both
Metal Clad MEM 1 gang disty box = £24.00

all plus VAT, so around £77 for the lot
i need to add a few more bits but thats the majority of it
Originally posted by penance
i could stick a 1KVA tranny under the floor downstairs and then run SWA from that to upstairs
Sounds like a good idea, keeps the clutter in the listening room to a minimum and potentially removing another source of intereference, maybe? The iso tranny(s) in the electrical cupboard are on my list too. Maybe you might want to get as big an iso tranny as you can, 2KVa or bigger.

OK, have another question here.... I'll probably be looking to use after-market leads from the wall to the hi-fi boxes, so I think I'll be looking at standard socket/plug termination types. So this whittles down the options to either US Hubbell or Euro Schuko. The US plugs are fuseless I already know, how about the Schukos - are they fuseless too?

Oh and just out of interest, are the 15A and 16A round pin plugs discussed earlier on in this thread, are they fuseless?
either US Hubbell
how do you get an earth on these hubbells?after all its thousands of miles away from the earth :p
ok seriously i'd double check there rating of any us plug/socket to make sure its up to 15A 250V not just at 110V
Originally posted by themadhippy
how do you get an earth on these hubbells?after all its thousands of miles away from the earth :p
ok seriously i'd double check there rating of any us plug/socket to make sure its up to 15A 250V not just at 110V

Hippy, good question sir, and one I can answer :)
I have been running them now for while (20 amp versions) I spoke to one of the manufacturers (Marinco) and they are more than happy with the equipment taking 240V, I do believe there are the odd one or two of us in this postion :)
But please do check with the guys that make em, mains is nasty stuff (for you humans) so always be very Cautious however confident. WM