hi I have been directed from the [URL=http://forum.hifichoice.co.uk]Hi-Fi Choice Forum[/URL] saying that: [QUOTE]Try asking on the DIY board over on zerogain.com I'm sure either TMH, Zanash or someone will be able to help you knock one up for much less. [/QUOTE] [URL]http://forum.hifichoice.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=7307[/URL] Well what I want to do is make a long cable which will have a headphone socket on one and and then 2 phono sockets on the other. I allready have one at the moment but its not as long as I want it! If you can help me, baring in mind that I'm from the UK (as I dont know if this is a UK, US or wat eva forum). thanks, Grogoreo