We thought the tact was dire too. The Wilson Benesch on the top floor was fantastic, jaw dropping in fact. I really liked the Macintosh room, all those blue lights, but could you imagine sneaking those speakers past the missus.
The Nagra kit sounded gorgeous with Eva Cassidy, but then he put on the wall, and it went pear shaped, no guts at all.
I heard the JM Labs BE stuff and wasn't overwhelmed, the bass didn't really hang together for me. I didn't like the rooms with Shahinians in, too vague the sound, and I don't know whether it was them or the P5 but they lost all the bass impact from a kind of blue.
Heard the chord kit twice making a rather attractive noise, looks good too.
The laser turntable was disapointing. Sounded rather bass light to me.
Definitely a good show. Looking forward to next year now.