Meridian 206 CD - update + lots of porn

I remember the 206 very well. I bought mine new from Studio 99 in Swiss Cottage. Just before the Delta Sigma version was introduced, 99 was selling 206s for £499! It was a real bargain.... a good CD player but still not as good as my sons Rega /RB300/1042which he was using in halls. I'm not sure what he did with that 206:rolleyes:
I don't remember Meridian making a clunker and i have had quite a few, i have been with cdp's since 1983 i am pro digital, cannot stand surface noise ( popcorn ) from vinyl the only cdp that i did not like from about a dozen or so was the Sony CDP-101 but to be honest it was the first one back in 1983 that thing was BRIGHT here is my latest one soon to be replaced by the MBL CD-31.

Chord One Cd player & Chord CPM-2600 Integrated Amplifier


MBL CD-31 Cd player


My Keep It Simple System
