Yes, the M3 wasnt bad and GrahamN got a pretty good sound out of his to be fair, but listen to some trivistas or an A308 and tell me what you think
Just my opinion, nothing to do with WM!
In any case I have more of an issue with the constant updating of the range every 5 minutes. Its all about clever marketing/maximising profits and less about focusing on the owners. Personally I wouldn't be too pleased if after spending a load of wonga on the latest, greatest thing, only to find that 6 months later its not that good after all and the residual value has gone through the floor because the new star amp has appeared.
You have to remember that amplifier evolution has not moved very far in the last 25 years, so is that new amp really that much better?
Sorry to be so cynical, but I bet I am not that far away from the truth.

Just my opinion, nothing to do with WM!
In any case I have more of an issue with the constant updating of the range every 5 minutes. Its all about clever marketing/maximising profits and less about focusing on the owners. Personally I wouldn't be too pleased if after spending a load of wonga on the latest, greatest thing, only to find that 6 months later its not that good after all and the residual value has gone through the floor because the new star amp has appeared.
You have to remember that amplifier evolution has not moved very far in the last 25 years, so is that new amp really that much better?
Sorry to be so cynical, but I bet I am not that far away from the truth.