Midiman Super Dac

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Well, to be fair, pretty damn good, really surprisely alive and bouncy dynamics too, all on 44.1khz, next well give 24 bits and 88.2khz that'll realy wake it up. A nice result, some cap/reg changes next week, then that'll do :) Have important things to continue with, The Wadia has been ungoing surgery today, and has come out of the theatre more than happy :) WM
OK how much do they cost, and will I be able to fit RCA sockets with my lack of ability with a soldering iron etc? If it's easy and cheap I might get one...
Miller, around £170 all in, well worth the effort I feel, The dac 20 seems a bit 'lacking un comparison' now (without the PSU), they are neat and tidy, 1/2 din rack size so can fit anywhere, later on if your wallet see's fit, then a psu (£25 approx) and maybe a monarchy upsampler, £200 used, not strong cash and you get a good return for a small outlay as well :)
Any links as to where to order them from? Also can u get adaptors if solderings not up to much (like mine :D :( ) if so where from?
David the link is at the start of the thread mate, I would advise against using adapters, Lilolee orginaly hmade up some jack to phono leads, (neat job too), we orginaly heard the superdac with these on at at bake off, I immedatley sussed this an area for upgrade , the phono do make a good difference for them here, is there no one that can do this for you?, if not, then you get the phono's and I'll do for it for you toll free :) Wm
Originally posted by Hodgesaargh
Is it easy to fit the phonos? I'm very tempted by this it looks good value.

Miller, very simple, the holes are pretty much spot on, so no drilling, just becareful removing the main PCB, the photo's shaow how much room is there.
When desoldering the PCB mount Jack socket recepticles, again take your time, not to keep the Iron on the soldered Lugs to much, or you may damage the board, and if you can use an anti-stat band, grounded to prevent possible 'Walking wounded' chip fries and component failure.
It is stright forward, just take your time, oh and use a quality wire from the Board to the Phono, it does make a difference.
And it sounds very good for the out lay :) Wm
I paid £125 from Lilolee (Used), however £169 (New)+£25=£194 still under the £200 I feel Andy, most guys won't want to do caps and regs, but this is £200 we are talking a bargin here. Wm
ah, didnt realise you got second hand.
If i decide to do then ill go the whole hog, caps and all.
What caps are you going to use?
and how do you change to 24bit 88.2Khz?

1 sugar or 2, and what did you have for breakfast?:p
What tools and how were the holes for the IEC and 9V connector drilled out on the box for the outboard PSU?

Andy, Later updates for those wishing to spend cash mate. else kick back and enjoy :)
Henry, t's an ABS maplins Half cheapy box, I used a step dill 13-35mm, bored out so far (made a templte for the IEC by drawing round it, and cutting out a piece paper placing it on the box and drawing round it, and the rest I finished off with a dremel, easy no grief, and for penuts too stop fokking whinning you lot :p
I've just bought one from here http://www.makingwavesaudio.co.uk

£171 including vat and quick delivery.

Not had much time to listen to it yet though, but hope it is a worthwhile upgrade over my Cambridge Audio dac3.

Is there really that much to be gained in replacing the jacks with phonos, compared to making some jack to phono interconnects?
Don't really want to take it to bits yet incase it busts.

Well, I reckon the little superdac held it's head high today.
Henry had the honour of hosting a mini dac bake off today, the super dac when feed with a purcell signal 24/88.2khz a decent power chord and some rather good I/c's ceratinly gave the delius a run for the money, was never going to beat, or get never the mid range, but er......ummm it produced some cracking sounds today :) Wm

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