Ming-Da MC34A

Better not wear my kagool then :)
I might have an electrician here next week (supposed to be today but snowed off) if so would have to be 10 March if not could make it 3rd?
Rob - as I told you..... the most magical sound I ever heard was my Quads (yours now, still almost in tears as I write) being driven by the Graaf 5050 power amp, which used 6550C valves.
From that experience, I'd recommend valves with Quads, but maybe at least 40-50w.
alanbeeb said:
Rob - as I told you..... the most magical sound I ever heard was my Quads (yours now, still almost in tears as I write) being driven by the Graaf 5050 power amp, which used 6550C valves.

This is what got me going on the valve idea! I just dont see any graaf stuff for sale. Twas a long day picking the quads up, I don't like vans! TBH I had had enough half way there never mind back in the pi55ing rain, but at least no chance of topping up my speeding points in it. The journey was worth it and I understand your pain I'm just as reluctant to move my MA20's on (hows your new spks going?).

The MA20's and NuVista was a pinacle, the quads need something else IMO to reach theirs.
I also tried the T+A V10 integrated with the Quads.... lovely sound, and superbly designed and built. But not as cheap as some of the Chinese stuff. Occassionally see one advertised around £2500 (!)

But the Graaf + Audio Synthesis passive pre was better than the T+A. Valve amps sound as diferent from each other as SS ones, so best try a few.
What is the difference between ming and Icon except price? There is a big difference can they really do so much to them?
rsand said:
What is the difference between ming and Icon except price? There is a big difference can they really do so much to them?

They could, I dont know if they do but they could. Just changing the signal caps for paper in oil types would put alot on the bill. Similar for resistors, transformers, new valves etc. You'd have to ask them for the difference but call me a sceptic I dont think you'd find too much. Icon do offer a KT88 version for £800 (I think), this would give you quite abit more grunt over the EL34's, this might just make the difference with your quad's. KT88's can also be swapped with 6550's, another powerful valve that the previous owner of your speakers used.
Seen some of the icon 300b monoblocks second hand for ming money. They are rated at 28wRMS will that be enough?

Quote from icon
'What is our secret? In order to get the best out of these valves we have provided a generous power supply, DC heating and a large output transformer. We have also opted to use older design double triodes 6SN7 and 6SL7 for the 1st stage and phase splitter to keep an all triode sound.'
Icon do offer a lot of extra's, but essentially their 40 is the 34A with a tape loop. they used to sell the 34 but changed the name, under competition from people importing Ming. If you buy a chinese one you takes your chance with their aproximate bias settings etc. Buy from Edenlake or Icon they sort all that. The components are the same I think, although I'm willing to be corrected. That's why I went for the Edenlake. It's the same bit of kit but cheaper, with a few frills missing.

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