the moderators are moderated by the super moderators who keeps an eye on the super moderators?
With our forum software, vBulletin, a moderator is assigned permissions to moderate individual forum sections. (e.g. DIY/General Chat) A Super Moderator can moderate all forum sections. On ZG we don't need moderators for individual sections, so all moderators are Super Moderators and can moderate every forum section. ( Although I moderate as well, as administrator, I'm simply keeping the technical side of things running. The moderators all work together to come to an agreement on decisions.
Thanks Mark I was just being facetious as I noticed bottleneck goes as a Super Moderator while "humble" Dev goes just a moderator
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes! ....and while we're at it, how come there's only one monopolies and mergers commission?
That's because I'm better than Dev, I'm just more important in life than him. Get back to work Dev, that's an order!!
I've promoted myself. It was well deserved I thought. Must speak to Mark about the increasing the field length to allow "divine, glorious, great, groovy, hot, incomparable, magnificent, peerless, sensational, smashing, topnotch" etc. etc. in the title. Now, what was that about an order?
I tried to make myself a moderator - but when I typed in the word (in my user title) - it got atsrixed out....baahh...!
Thanks Mark, but I've had my 15 minutes of fame. I'll go back to being just a Moderator now. High profile is killing my street cred, even kmac is taking the piss .