penance, as with audio tweaks, you'll see all kinds of "performance enhancing" gadgets out there for cars, usually with associated dyno plots etc but that's no real indication that they work.
A prime example is the Ecotek CB-26P device which looks like it has all the mags raving over it, lots of happy customers and apparently lots of data backing up it's claims. Unfortunately, it's all bullshit. See here where someone has actually looked at it scientifically.
If they really worked so well then why don't car manufacturers fit them as standard?
A prime example is the Ecotek CB-26P device which looks like it has all the mags raving over it, lots of happy customers and apparently lots of data backing up it's claims. Unfortunately, it's all bullshit. See here where someone has actually looked at it scientifically.
If they really worked so well then why don't car manufacturers fit them as standard?
