Right, decided I'm going to build myself a new PC as it's about time I upgraded from my 4yr old Dell 933Mhz PIII. So, I thought I knew a thing or two about PCs and paid a visit to [url=http://www.tomshardware.com/]Tom's Hardware[/url] to check out the latest info on motherboards and CPUs.... :yikes: There are so many bloody variations it's impossible to make any kind of decisions at all. Tom's Hardware is a good site but it's a little lacking if you haven't followed a particular arena of hardware for, ohh, the last 2 weeks :D . Lots of reviews but not much general info. So, what do people here reckon is a good MB and CPU combo to go for? Obviously I want something pretty fast that isn't going to go out of date next week. I don't really want onboard gfx (I've got a decent gfx card, or I'll get a new one). My existing 80Gb drive is quite new but it's IDE so if I want to use it in the new machine I'd need an IDE not a SATA controller allthough I'd consider going SATA and buying a new drive if it was worth it. So, AMD or Intel I guess is the first question? All other things being equal, I'd like to go with AMD, just because they're not Intel :) If someone could give me the lowdown on AMD vs Intel and the various chipsets and CPU sockets and types that would be a great help. Things certainly have got a LOT more complicated since the days of the PIII :eek: Michael.