Mighty Rearranger
What sparkling idea Pete 

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Oooh, look - myths #4 and #3 in the space of two sentences.wadia-miester said:Been having a think about this, how about bringing the Classical image into the 21 Century.
This would go a long way to help dispel the Elitist panderings that often surround it.
I'm a dabbler, nothing more than that. We've got some proper gurus in the Classical forum here, but they don't often venture into the hifi room.darrylfunk said:i did'nt realise you were a music guru yourself pete ....
And I should just add BTW that anyone who's interested in what actual musicologists look like or do might like to look out Berkeley's Richard Taruskin or Princeton's Carolyn Abbate, to name two individuals well-known in the field. Yes, there really are people engaged in the academic study of music, and no, I haven't actually read anything by them.PeteH said:We've got some proper gurus in the Classical forum here...