I can hear the differences in cables.
My opinion on the subject is this.
Your hifi can be balanced within a range. If your hifi is teetering on being to bright or too muddy but still within your brains happy range then your brain can adjust to compensate for the sound,.
As some cables alter the balance slightly and if your system is already quite bright or quite dull then adding a bright or dull cable tips the balance too far to what your brain classes as comfy and it lets you know with listening fatigue and headaches.
I believe that most systems being quite balanced dont have the problem so a bit of extra brightness or dullness doesnt make much difference and so you cant really hear it. But get it totally wrong and the difference can be night and day.
My system has a really hot treble and a big powerful bass. If I add nordost speaker cable it takes the treble over the edge and loses the bass. The system sounds quite bad and not listenable to for a long period. Throw in a nice large thick copper cable and the hifi remains quite balanced and great sounding.
My opinion on the subject is this.
Your hifi can be balanced within a range. If your hifi is teetering on being to bright or too muddy but still within your brains happy range then your brain can adjust to compensate for the sound,.
As some cables alter the balance slightly and if your system is already quite bright or quite dull then adding a bright or dull cable tips the balance too far to what your brain classes as comfy and it lets you know with listening fatigue and headaches.
I believe that most systems being quite balanced dont have the problem so a bit of extra brightness or dullness doesnt make much difference and so you cant really hear it. But get it totally wrong and the difference can be night and day.
My system has a really hot treble and a big powerful bass. If I add nordost speaker cable it takes the treble over the edge and loses the bass. The system sounds quite bad and not listenable to for a long period. Throw in a nice large thick copper cable and the hifi remains quite balanced and great sounding.