Got some great DVDs really cheap in the MVC sale yesterday including : Seinfeld - series 1 to 3 for £19.99 Seinfeld - series 4 for £9.99 Dead Man's Shoes for £6.99 2046 for £5.99 but the best bargains were for 2 music collections : Spike Jonze (only) £1.99, great collection of videos and worth it just for Cannonball by the Breeders and Sabotage by the Beasties. It also proves that Christopher Walken is ALWAYS worth watching not matter what he is in. Chris Cunnigham for £5.99 and has some superb videos (and music) such as Come to Daddy and Windowlicker by Aphex Twin, also has a pretty good Autechre track on there as well.